April 11, 2020

I have not been on this site for a while and have not written for even longer. Yet I still occasionally read posts of other bloggers. Most of have heard the saying ‘If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all’. Well that is how I have been feeling for a while. So much negativity had built up in me. Those of you who have been reading my posts when I first started blogging know of my struggle with depression and PTSD. I know I am not the only one, we have good days and we have bad ones, but we keep going. Eventually we become overwhelmed and have to take a step back and put ourselves into an adult time out. My desire not to speak negatively can have one set back for me and that is I can become a hermit, and begin shutting out people. I don’t want to say something that I will regret so I pull away, and distance myself. I have learned not to completely shut everyone out so I have struggled to keep lines of communication open with with a small group of friends, but even this has been difficult. I read the Word, pray, and even watch messages online, but I understand the importance of fellowship. Connecting with others, both believers and nonbelievers. I am not saying you will see me on here every week but I am coming out of my cave. so i will be seeing you all again soon. God bless and keep you all safe.

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