Waiting 5/23/2021

Well I am still in a waiting period. My procedure has been rescheduled for the second time. So I have another two weeks of waiting. I had joked with the woman handling my case that I could have given birth to a baby in the time I have been laid up, and off work.

For a person who is not patient this is frustrating. I am the type who wants to figure out the solution to the problem then get it done. Now my body has been in the care of others and I am not happy that the original doctor kept telling me the problem I was having with the swelling and discoloration in my arm was normal, to find out that it wasn’t and now I have these multiple procedures that need to be done. I would have liked these things to have been found out sooner and dealt with earlier. Unfortunately when others are in control of deciding what care you get things can go wrong and things can be delayed.

Yet through it all God has been with me. He has never left my side and He understands my frustration and He knows I don’t blame Him. Once upon a time I would have. I would have asked Him ‘What have I done wrong?’ or a long list of other things that would either blame myself or Him. Thankfully through life and a relationship with Jesus I have learned neither are true.

Waiting is not always pleasant and times are difficult. Life is not easy and even a bed of roses has it’s thorns, and needs to be fertilized. I plant seeds and there buried beneath the soil some grow and some don’t. They also don’t grow at the same time. Some you plant in fall to see bloom in the spring, and others just after winter to see them grow in the fall. They all have the waiting period. During our times of waiting we too grow and eventually bloom and produce fruit. I don’t know what will grow in me during through this time. I guess I just have to wait in see. Trust that God will see me through, and He will get me to the other side.

Numbers 9:8

Moses therefore said to them, “Wait, and I will listen to what the Lord will command concerning you.”

10 thoughts on “Waiting 5/23/2021

  1. The Lord deepens our patience through tribulation and trials. Like Peter, who looked into the storm began to sink and then truly called out to the Lord for assistance.
    Comment: I believe God is the great Physician. Go in Peace.

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  2. I like how you tied your waiting for the procedures with seeds being planted and waiting for their fruit. Good analogy and I hope all goes well with whatever procedures you are going to endure. The Lord is with you and will see you through it. Lean on Him.

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    1. Thank you for your encouraging words and for taking time to read this. I am thankful to God that He has changed me so much that I know He is with me. which makes me think of marriage vows’ ‘In good times and bad, in sickness and in health’. My relationship with Him is the only reason I am still here. God bless and prosper you always.

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  3. Hello Julie, I hope you get to have your procedure done soon. You know that the Lord is building up your faith to withstand a much stronger storm. For example, A man builds a house, and months later, a small storm with winds of 80 miles per hour hits it. Now, after the storm passes, the man sees that minor damages have occurred. He upgrades his house and makes it stronger. Unbeknownst to the man, a much more powerful storm is forming out at sea and will be heading his way.

    God knows that the enemy is getting ready to hit your faith, and He is preparing your faith now for that hit. You are not alone. Many faithful believers are in the process of being built up through times of difficulties.

    You will make it through, and your faith will come out much more stronger. Remember Peter when Satan asked Jesus permission to sift Peter and the rest like wheat? Jesus prayed for Peter’s faith not to fail. Likewise, your faith will not get destroyed, for the Lord is upholding it. May the Lord bless you and continue to strengthen you.

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    1. Thank you for the insightful words of comfort and encouragement. They remind me of a word God gave some years ago. The strongest blade of a sword is folded many times. It goes through the fire, is stretched then folded and beaten, over and over again and in the end it is strong enough to not fail in battle. As long as we are on this planet until the day our Lord returns to take us home we will face many battles. Our hope and trust in God our Father and Jesus our Lord and Savior and His Spirit our helper and comforter. For no weapon formed against us will ever prosper.
      Thank you, God bless and prosper you always.

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      1. I didn’t know that about the blade, how it’s constructed that way. Thank you for the explanation. It goes well with what you said. You seem to grasp what’s happening in your life, the refinement process, very well. I encourage you to continue in that mindset that you have about your situation and cling to the Word of God, praying for healing and strength. May the Lord heal you, Julie.

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