Worth Saving / Book review

Worth Saving by William Crews

It has been a while since I have written a review for a book that I have read, and I have not written many reviews either. I have just finished reading a this book and I feel the need to recommend for others to read it as well. I am not a parent of any special needs children, but in the past I have worked with children with special needs that ranged from, Down’s syndrome, ADD, ADHD, Autism, and the list goes on. I only wish I had this book back then. It would have helped me so much to have a better understanding of both what the child and parents faced each day. Then I might have been a better help to them.

I was pulled into this family’s story from the very first chapter and I could not put it down. I will admit that their story was at times was difficult for me to read because of the battles they had to fight and did make me emotional. Their faith is inspiring and how they fought for their child is amazing. I would like to share what and how this couple and their family overcame so much but I do not want to spoil the story for you. I want you to be able to read for yourself and discover how with faith and love this family raised a child and never gave up on him no matter what challenges they faced.

If you do not have a special needs child in your life this book will still touch your heart. For those of you who are parents or know someone who is that have a child with any special needs please read this book. It will bring comfort and encouragement to you and them.

Here are some links where you can find this book;



Prayers of a Nobody/Thank You!

My book, ‘Prayers Of A Nobody’ has had 24 downloads on Amazon in its first week’s release. I know it does not seem like much but it is to me. I am thankful to all of your support. This project means a lot to me. Praying it helps many with their struggles with prayer. I know that even mature believers struggle from time to time and for those who have little to no knowledge of our Savior Jesus and the love of God that prayer can be difficult to approach. I am thinking about Esther and the boldness it took her to approach her husband the king. The difference is we do not have to fear our King. Jesus made the way so that nothing can separate us from His love. Before Christ only the priest could enter into the Holy of Holies. Thanks to Jesus we are granted full access(Hebrews 10:19).

Emotions, circumstances, and our backgrounds can make us feel like we can’t do it, but the great news is that we can both approach that Holy Throne Room and He is waiting and wanting us to. I know there are days that even I struggle to pray and can only get ‘Help!’ out. Even that one word prayer reaches Him and He answers every time. It may not always be what I want to hear but He answers every prayer.

So thank you for reading and hopefully sharing this book. If you would please leave your review on Amazon.

Prayers Of A Nobody

It has been a few weeks since I last posted here and a lot has happened. Most of you who have been reading my posts know that I have not been able to work since last September because of an injury that happened at work. So I had decided to try and use my down time to do something productive. I began writing ‘Prayers Of A Nobody’. Over the past month I have faced many obstacles due to what I was told a computer error that had terminated both my employment and workers comp claim. Which also interfered with my writing time since my pain level limits my computer and writing time. I am happy to say that with God’s help I endured and not only was reinstated and my medical care has begun again, I was also able to finish writing this short book on prayer.

Now it is not your conventional prayer book and will probably not be accepted by those in the religious field. It is a book for those who feel that they cannot pray. Some feel that they are not good enough and that God wants nothing to do with them. Others may look at the what happens in this world and think if there was a God why is He letting all these terrible things happen. Others are too angry or depressed to pray. The list goes on. This book is for them and for those of us who want to reach out and let them know that God does love them, and He is listening.

This book is raw and filled with emotions that most do understand. The prayers included are not religious but they are real, and from the point of view of people who struggle with pain and suffering. People who feel rejected, unloved, and unwanted. You can find it on Amazon kindle books. Until this Friday June 18th you can get it for free. I hope that many of you will take some time and read it. I am sure there is someone you know who this book may help. Please feel free to share. Thank you and God bless.

Free for until June 18.