ANGELS: A Prayer to Release Angels, by Kimberly Daniels

ANGELS: A Prayer to Release Angels, by Kimberly Daniels

The Value of Sparrows

Jesus, your word declares that angels intervene in the lives of human beings.  I believe that angels are released by positive confessions, and demons are released by negative confessions.  Father, I thank you for the hosts of Heaven that are operating on my behalf.  Make me sensitive to the existence and presence of angelic beings.  There are more angels working for me than there are demons working against me.  One-third of the angels fell with Lucifer.  This means that two-thirds of the angels in Heaven are working on my behalf.  Lord, I thank you for opening my eyes to see the angelic hosts and chariots of fire circling my situations to fight on my behalf.

In the name of Jesus, I release the angels of prosperity on my behalf.  Because I walk before the lord, the angels of the lord will prosper my way.  Lord, I thank you for angelic…

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January 19, 2019 Starting off the year right.

Art by Julie Sheppard

Hello Everyone!

I am sorry that I have not written anything for a while now. This last year has definitely been busy and a lot has happened. I have also learned a lot. I started working on’Right Relations’, last year and it does not feel like I have gotten very much accomplished on this project, but it has given me time to reflect on the relationships I have had and the testimonies of how each of the relationships had effected me and my relationship with Jesus, and even my current relationships(none that are romantic). I am praying to share my insights through out this year and possibly help or give hope to at least one person.

This year has started off well. I was able to share my testimony on my last suicide attempt which I have shared here, ‘Testimony, I gave up on life and survived’. Even though I had posted this a few years back I had not publicly shared it, with those who knew me or went to church with. I am grateful I did though because since I gave shared that part of my testimony, I have had people talk to me and share about themselves and how my testimony did help them. I have many chapters in my life and many testimonies of the things God has done for me through some very dark periods of my life, and I have written some down and shared them here. I guess it is coming to the time to share them in person.

All of you reading this have testimonies. You are alive and lived through so many different things, some good, some bad, and some tragic. You have a story to share. I encourage you to so so. Share your testimony, break it down into chapters so you do not become overwhelmed. In Revelation 12, you will read …10 And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying: “Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of His Christ. For the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down—he who accuses them day and night before our God. 11 They have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; and they did not love their lives so as to shy away from death. 12 Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea; with great fury the devil has come down to you, knowing he has only a short time.”…

Life shared is life given, and that is what you give when you give your testimony. I know how afraid you can be when thinking of sharing yourself with another, and how even writing your testimony can be a draining experience. Pouring yourself out, exposing yourself, and knowing that once it is out there you can’t take it back. Then fear of judgement and rejection begin to work on our thoughts. Afraid that if they learn who we truly are and what we had done in the past they would no longer love or want us in their life. One word of encouragement is, ‘god knows you, and He knows everything you have ever done and He still loves you!’ Proof is in that He loved you so very much that He sent Jesus, His Son to die for you. So that you can live. Yes some may criticize or even condemn us when we open up and let His light into the dark areas of our lives, but His light overcomes the darkness. His love never fails, and He will never abandon you.

So it is now your turn, speak up and share what He has done in your life, and reach out to someone you do not even know that is hurting and give them hope.

P.S. I have not stopped working on Right Relations and I am still looking for testimonies on relationships, both good and bad, that I may include in this work. If you feel led to share with me please leave me a comment and I will give you my contact information. I also would like to tell you anything you share with me if used can be kept anonymous.

Thank you and God bless

Gifts Refused Or Unused


Have you ever refused a gift someone has given to you because you did not like it? Maybe you took the gift but you put it in a closet or up on a shelf. You never used the gift. It just sit in the dark getting dusty. Have you ever visited someone who cooks you a meal but you refuse it because it  is not food you like. I will use fish as an example. (By the way I love fish, actually I love food. Okay most food.) They fried some catfish or baked some salmon but since you do not like fish you turn the meal down.  Now think about the effort that went in to preparing that meal or what may have been involved in getting you that gift. Now think about the gift God gave us in His Son Jesus. How many people rejected Him when He…

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Gifts Old and New


This old Bible still has use. Although it’s pages are worn, and some are even torn and stained.

It reminds me of where I was and how far I have come.

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This Journal and Bible came from two friends who are special to me. Dawn Kozma and Amy (Martin) Clifford blessed me with this wonderful study Bible. Both have been of great use for me in relationship with my Savior Jesus.

For these gifts are used everyday.

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Photography by Julie Sheppard

These gifts also remind me of the gift Jesus gave to all who will receive. The gift of salvation. The greatest gift anyone will ever receive.

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Would you die for your enemy? Lessons of love /January 8, 2018



It is written, ‘No one has greaterlove than this—that one lays down his life for his friends.’ John 15:13.

Now think about this; ‘Would you die to save the life of your enemy?’

Many would easily give up their life to save their child, their spouse, family members,  friends, and some would do so for a stranger they see in danger. To give up your life for someone who hates you, who despises you, who wants you to you to feel pain, have your life destroyed and even wants you dead, could you sacrifice your life for these people? Would you want to? If we were to be honest our first response is a big fat ‘NO!’.

Yet as I have meditated on the sacrifice our Heavenly Father gave, when He sent His Son to pay the price for our sins and the fact that Jesus did not…

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Right Relations/ Sibling Rivalry/ The Cain and Abel Story

A work still in progress. I still have more that needs to written for the chapter on brothers and sisters, but I felt it was good to look back and read this one again before moving on.


I love the people you find in the Bible. Even the not so good ones, because you can relate to so many of them. I am continuing on my project of ‘Right Relations’ how are earthly relations affect our relationship with Jesus and our Heavenly Father, and how we can learn from our relationships and make them better. Allowing His Holy Spirit to be a part of these relationships.

Back to the beginning / Sibling Rivalry/ The Cain and Abel Story


   How many of you have brothers or sisters? Next question; How many of you have a relationship that can be compared to Cain and Abel? Do you wonder how others that are close and loving to their siblings do it? I know of many brothers and sister who say their sibling is their best friend. Do you envy these relationships? I know I have wanted since a young…

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Don’t follow me

Jesus is the only way!


I am not a leader and I do not want for you to follow me.

I would like it if you walked with me though.

I have chosen to walk the path that Jesus has paved for me.

He is the Good Shepherd and He leads the way.

If you will walk with me on this path we will be going in the same direction.

We will be walking the path of righteousness.

The straight and narrow way that leads to life.

So please do not follow me but follow the One who leads me.

I have much still to learn and I only want to share what He teaches me.

For Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life.

Jesus did not come to be served but He came to serve. He did not come in force, but in humility. Born in a manger, and raised by a…

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Breathe / Spiritual Health Physical Health

Take a deep breath


How often do you actually pay attention to how you breathe? I am sure at one time or another you have heard someone tell you to breathe. When I go to see my chiropractor for an adjustment, he often reminds me to breathe during my treatment. We breathe while both awake and asleep. If we stopped breathing we would die.

Genesis 2:7 And the Lord formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul.

God breathed life into man.

CPR is performed when a person stops breathing.

Breathing is something we do not give much thought to.

Most of us do what is called shallow breathing. We simple breathe and don’t think about how we breathe. Yet when you are upset or angry ,people  people will tell you to take a deep breath. Deep breathing calms the…

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