Don’t Panic!

Don’t Panic!


What is the first thing you do when someone tells you not to look down? Most people automatically look down. The same thing can be said when you tell a person not to panic. This brings attention to their already vulnerable state. Have you ever told a woman to calm down? How did that work out? Telling a person not to panic when they are facing something that is terrifying them does not help. It is like telling a drowning person who is drowning that hey the water is wet. They already know this. Panic is brought about when fear of what ever the person may be dealing with becomes so overwhelming they can see no way out, there is no answer to their problem, and no matter which way they turn they only see more problems. There are millions of things to cause fear, health issues, unpaid bills, lack…

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Because God loves gay people. God loves everyone.

Don’t get it twisted. This is not just a self-righteous, judgmental platitude…it’s biblical truth.

Why is God anti-gay?

Because God is anti-adultery, but not anti-adulterer.

He’s anti-fornication, but not anti-fornicator.

He’s anti-murder, but not anti-murderer

He’s anti-malice, but not anti-malicious.

He’s anti-hate, but not anti-hater.

He’s anti-lie, but not anti-liar.

He’s anti-foolishness, but not anti-fool.

He’s anti-pride, but not anti-proud person.

He’s anti-greed, but not anti-greedy person.

I think you get the picture. God is anti-sin, but He is not anti-sinner. Even though there are those trying to now establish that homosexuality is not a sin. It still is. Even though many people are trying to say that that’s not what Sodom and Gomorrah was about. It still was (Genesis 19). Even though many people are trying to say that Jesus never addressed homosexuality, He still did (Matthew 19:4-6)FOR THOSE…

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People sure can ‘cherry pick’ their sins!

Let me first say this. I DID NOT say God hates homosexuals or those who have abortions. God loves everyone, and we were all made in His image.

Now, with that said…I wonder why do so many of my fellow Christians act as though homosexuality and abortion are the only sins that matter socially, politically and most of all that matter to God.

Yes, I agree that homosexuality is a sin…that gay marriage is unacceptable to God, and that abortion does equate to murder. My intention in writing this isn’t to debate these two sins, but to be responsible… From Genesis 19, to Leviticus 18, to Romans 1, to 1 Corinthians 6,God makes it undeniably clear that homosexuality is a sin and that marriage is only between a man and woman Genesis 5:2 and Matthew 19:4, even though there are…

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Sunshine Blogger Nominee

I would like to thank Tangie T. Woods for nominating me for this award. Tangie T. Woods

Their blogs are inspirational and edifying I hope if you have not already, you go to her page and read her posts.


  1. Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link to their blogging sites.
  2. Answer their questions.
  3. Nominate up to 11 bloggers and ask them 11 questions.
  4. Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog post.
  5. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post.


  1. Tangie T. Woods

  2. Reasoned Cases for Christ

  3. Overcoming The Times

  4. StopAndPrayTV
  5. 140 Character Christian
  6. Mitch Teemley
  7. insanitybytes22
  8. Beholding Him Ministries
  9. Karina’s Thought
  10. Pure Glory
  11. TLP



  1. Where are you from?
  2. How long have you been blogging?
  3. Who inspired you to become a blogger?
  4. Are you city or country?
  5. On a scale of one to ten, how do you rate your blogging experience?
  6. On a scale of one to ten, how do you rate the blogging community?
  7. Do you have much interaction with fellow bloggers?
  8. Has your expectation been met of the blogging community?
  9. How often do you post?
  10. What are some of your hobbies?
  11. Have you ever started blogging, stopped, and restarted?


Continual Prayer Keeps Us Vigilant

140 Character Christian

It hit me the other night that darkness in this world is not static, that evil is continually on the move. That means our prayers are not a one-time event; our prayers must be constant, continually praying for the Spirit of God to drive out the darkness with His light. We must remember that if we are not vigilant in our prayers, darkness can get a toehold in our lives and the church.

I think this is what Paul is telling the church in 1 Thessalonians 5:12-20. Paul writes in verse 16-18, “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances.” This reminds us that if we lose our focus on Christ Jesus and start grumbling about our circumstances, we leave a door open for darkness to move into our lives and the church. In verses 12-15 he cautions the church to guard against things that cause division. He urges…

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Ugly Or Beautiful?


When I made this cross out of clay you could bake in the oven I didn’t think much about it at the time. I have created crosses that looked better than this plane black cracked cross. I am not even sure why I chose the black clay that day.


 Yet the other day when I picked up this cross and looked at it and thought you are kind of ugly. then I heard God speak quietly to me. The cross was never beautiful, the beauty came from the One who hung on it.
Many of us have crosses that decorate our homes. I have a beautiful one with wings that was given to me as a gift that hangs in my living room. I have made them myself as gifts for friends, and even made one as an emergency repair for a plaque on which the original cross was accidentally…

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Giving Thanks December 7, 2016 – Tribute


 Corinthians 15:57 – But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.


Art by Julie Sheppard (Forever in His loving arms)

Romans 8:39 – Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

I thank God for His love overcomes the world and that no one can take His love from me. What can I say or give that could compare to the love He has given to each and every one of us? For God is love and He gives freely of Himself. I thank Him with my lips and submit to Him my life, for my life is nothing without Him.

Definition of tribute 

  • : something that you say, give, or do to show respect or affection for someone

  • : something that proves the good…

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I Fell In Love!!!


I have fallen in love. I never knew that I could do this. Love seemed to be a fairy tale that only lived in the imagination. The funny thing is that the one who I have fallen in love with has been in my life all along and still loves me. They have definitely seen me at the worst parts of my life. They at times without my knowledge kept me from being harmed. They never even pointed out what they had done but was content in knowing that I was safe. They never demanded my time but sat quietly on the sidelines of my life watching me with loving eyes.

Even In The Dark1

I lived my life as a grew from a rebellious teenager into a strong willed adult. Yes life had not been fair to me I lived through abuse, physical, sexual and emotional most of my life. I was angry…

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The Feasts of the Lord

Reasoned Cases For Christ


“Let no one act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ.”Colossians 2:16-17 (NASB)

This statement by the Apostle Paul refers to the Jewish Feasts as a “mere shadow” of things to come, the substance of them being found in Yeshua, the Messiah. What Paul is saying here is that the feasts were prophetic types, or symbols, that pointed to the Messiah and which would be fulfilled in Him.

Before we pursue that point to see how the feasts were fulfilled in Jesus, let’s first of all familiarize ourselves with the feasts.

Origin and Timing of the Feasts

The feasts were a part of the Mosaic Law that was given to the Children of Israel by God…

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May 10, 2020

May 10, 2020

I recently had a word given to me to give to someone I knew who had asked me to pray for their situation. They have since told me that I should share this word.  They believed that this word could help another, as it at helped them. So I will share it but not the persons name or situation.

This is the word that I had received;

‘You have had someone hurt you. This pain was not caused by their actions but because of what they did not do.  You feel hurt and are disappointed. Their actions did not live up to the words the spoke to you. They made a commitment and they failed you. I know exactly how this feels. You cannot count the numerous times per day people who have committed their lives to Me, that have turned back to the world the second they have a problem. Instead of turning to Me, they return to doing things as the rest of the world does.

The second troubles come you want to turn and walk away and say that it is no big deal. I want you think about what would happen if I gave up on you that easy. If I turned from you every time you disappointed Me,  hurt Me, or even cheated on Me, etc….  Every time you have been hurt, I have been hurt.  Every time you were rejected or abused, so was I. Now multiply your pain by an infinite amount.  What you go through with others, I go through too. I don’t give up on you. I will never leave you or forsake you.

Yes you have been hurt by these people, but can you see now how I feel? Can you see how much I love those who have hurt and wronged Me?  You may be the only one who is bringing my Light into these peoples dark world. Don’t give up on them. They have never met anyone to show them my love before and they do not know how to react. The spirits operating in their lives are don’t want to let go. Yet My Light can drive away the darkness in their life. You carry this Light within you, like a lantern in a dark world. Let them learn of my Love through you. Another might now show them this love. Remember Love is patient, and love is kind and it also long suffering. ‘

To put it in other words. God puts up a lot with the mistakes we make, the pain we cause and He does not give up on us.  There are bad relationships that we have to escape, because they can and will cost us our life if we don’t leave. This message is for those of us who have been slighted in any way that hurts us, we need to remember the pain of a Father who sent His Son to pay the price for those pains. How much pain Jesus suffered for our sins. We sometimes will have to let go of people who we cannot help and will only continue to hurt us and themselves. Yet our first reaction to pull away at the first sign of trouble we should rethink. Sometimes God will use these people to teach us, smooth out our rough spots like sandpaper.

Please take a moment and read 1 Corinthians 13.