Should we share our dreams and visions?

There are less than a handful of people that I have trusted in sharing certain things, especially some visions and dreams. Main reasons for this is not that I was afraid of what I saw or how real they were. It is because I don’t want everyone thinking I have lost my mind. Funny because I have no problem sharing that I can audibly hear God speak to me. So now I sit here and wonder if now is the time. So I guess I will share one dream and one vision and hope you don’t think I am crazy.

When I had this vision I was sitting on my porch in front of my last apartment. I saw at as clear as seeing my hands type these words. A person in soldiers clothing stood in my little yard and spoke to me. They said ‘I know that you would die before you would deny Jesus, but would you to save your child and grandchild?’ Then my daughter was brought before me and the person holding my daughter by her hair with a sword above their head, and they asked, ‘Will you deny Him now?’ That was it. I sat there stunned. I looked up and spoke to God and said, ‘They are right, I would die before denying You, but I don’t know if I would be strong enough to watch my child or any child be tortured or killed in front of me. I pray to be able to refuse to deny You, because I know it is better to die for you than live denying You. I pray if that day comes You will strengthen me, and I will not bow to the enemy’. That isn’t a very long vison or prayer, but a few years later I went to this thing called the ‘Apocalypse Experience’, at the Capernaum a replica town here in Texas that is used as both a studio set and for hosting experiences that take you through scenes of the Bible. The ‘Apocalypse Experience’ takes people through what the tribulation would be like. You walk through and the actors interact with you. At one point soldiers come running through and capture a woman and her son right in front of us. They hold her son down in front of her just like my vision, and ordered her to deny Christ and save her son. She refused and they were both shot (not for real) and killed.

I was shocked to see this scene played out right in front of me, even though I knew they were actors, seeing my vison play out in front of my eyes got to me. I couldn’t share what was going on with the friend I was with because I knew she would not understand. Yet this was not the first time something I had a vision or dream of played out in front of my face. Somehow things that played out in my mind somehow another person who I have never met or even spoken to managed to produce and I was able to see. You see when I was in my early 20’s which is back in the 90’s I had this dream. To my surprise in 2015 the movie ‘San Andreas’ was released which I did not see until I rented it and from the comfort of my couch began to watch my dream play out on my T.V. Not the actors and the earthquake in my dream took place in Los Angeles and spread to the Antelope Valley. Every natural disaster from the earthquake to the tidal wave that filled the cities turning the city of L.A. into Venice, Italy. Yet instead of ‘The Rock’ in a boat searching for his daughter in the movie. I was the one in the boat going from building to building looking for survivors, to get them to safety. So take out the actors and leave the natural disasters in this movie and you can see my dream if you watched this movie, you have seen my dream.

Now I know both vision and dream were played out in front of me were acts and were not actually real, but it never kept me from wondering if the day would come along when it would become reality. You see I have had some things I had dream actually happen. Nothing major, like going to a house I had never been to and doing exactly what I did there in my dream. I know the ability to dream and have visions and interpret them is a gift from God, and that scriptures speak of dreams and visions in the end times ( which I am not saying it is) but I believe why Joseph and Daniel have always been people from the Bible I can relate to. Joseph more than Daniel but that is another subject. When others have shared their dreams with me I have seen them play out in front of me as if on a movie screen, and God seems to give me their meaning most times.

I don’t know if I will share my other dreams and I am sorry that I am not giving my dream or vision’s interpretation but these two seem to be self explanatory. Hope you don’t think I am too crazy for what I have shared but as much as I would have liked to continue keeping them to myself I felt led to sharing them tonight, even though my hands are screaming at me for typing this long. But obedience is better than sacrifice.