Tradescantia Pallida

Tradescantia pallida, also known as Purple Heart Plant or Wandering Jew, I was also told it is also called Moses in the basket because of how the little purple flower looks. I love how easy it is to grow this beautiful plant. I received my first cuttings of this plant years ago. All I had to do to transplant them was to poke a hole in the soil and put the cutting in the hole. Not only did it take root it began to spread. It does die or go dormant during the winter if planted outside but it will come back every spring. It is a hearty and vibrant plant and I love the color purple.

Plants are therapeutic to me. I love watching things grow, they uplift my spirit. This plants heartiness reminds me that even if I am in a wilderness period of my life God will see me through it, and just like HE sent Moses to set HIS people free from Pharaoh, HE also sent HIS Son Jesus to set us free from our sins. Let us continue to grow in the love of Jesus and in His Spirit and Word.