December 20, 2017 / What is my purpose?

Tonight I was able to study with some women at church and the study was Rick Warrens ‘The Purpose Driven life’. I have enjoyed reading this book in the past and the Bible studies I had previously done with others. Some may say if you have done this before, why are you doing this again? For me the answer is simple, going back is like hitting the refresh button. It is a good way to remind ourselves of things we have learned and how important those lessons are still today.

I enjoyed going through day one of this book with these wonderful women, and being reminded that the purpose of my life is not for my own self but to serve the One who created me with His purpose. He has already taken care of my needs, and given me more love than I will ever deserve. If I can do anything to show Him my love in return that is a good purpose for my life and that is to serve Him in whatever way He asks. To share His love with anyone I meet, not just friends and family, but my neighbors and the strangers who I meet everyday.

I am thankful for all that the Lord has done for me and for the love Jesus gave to me when He died on the cross to pay for my sins, saving me from myself. I am to lean not on my own understanding but trust God with my entire being.

I am alive so I do have a purpose, thank You God that You have chosen me.

Thoughts / August 27, 2017 / Offenses

Who among us is not offended by one thing or another. This morning I watched a good message on being offended by Gregory Dickow.

I have been studying on how to handle offenses with a better attitude for a while but I realized this morning as I watched this message that I have slacked off ob this study. I can make many excuses, such as having to move has taken up so much of my time especially since there have been multiple plumbing issues and having a plumber come to make repairs 4 times in an 8 day period. Then being blamed for the plumbing issues even though they began before I was moved in. I then took offense. This however is just an excuse. So I am going back to my studies and listening to messages on how God wants me to deal being offended. When I remember 1 Corinthian 13 the chapter on love I am reminded of what God say love is and what it is not. The fact that I am still offended but what others do is a red flag to me that says that I am not operating in His love at that moment. I do not react to offenses in a loving way the way I know He tells me to do.

1 Corinthians 13:5 (AMP)  It is not rude; it is not self-seeking, it is not provoked [nor overly sensitive and easily angered]; it does not take into account a wrong endured. 

I also would like to share a great book on this subject titled Satan’s Bait by John Bevere, you can find it on Amazon if you are interested.

Product Details

I have this book in my library and found it to be a good study tool on the topic of offenses.

Kay Warren Choose Joy Day 30

I hope you have enjoyed these devotionals focused on joy. You can find her study on choose joy on Kay warrens website or on Amazon. Joy does not come easy for most of us we have to seek it and true joy comes only from the Lord.

CHOOSE JOY BECAUSE HAPPINESS ISN’T ENOUGH Audio book download can be found on this website