Betrayed With A Kiss

Has someone ever betrayed you? Jesus knows how you feel, because HE was betrayed by one of HIS own with a kiss. Judas received payment to betray Him with a kiss. Someone who walked with Christ and ate with Him. Who witnessed the miracles that Jesus performed still turned against the ONE who loved him like no other ever could.  So Jesus knows your pain.

When someone you care for and trust, betrays you it hurts. It is not a physical pain but it still hurts. You lose trust in them and this can make it difficult to trust others as well because you may now fear they will do the same. Fear has now worked its’ way in to your relationships. You are not sure who you can trust.  If you let someone in past your barriers, they can be close enough to hurt you. So you may keep people at a distance. The problem with this is it is hard on relationships. Without trust your relationships suffer. This includes your relationship with God. If you are not able to trust people that you can see how do you trust One you cannot see with the human eye? We need to remember that Jesus was betrayed but will never betray you. God is faithful and true. Jesus can heal you from the wounds of betrayal.

Luke 22:47-48  While He was still speaking, behold, a crowd came, and the one called Judas, one of the twelve, was preceding them; and he approached Jesus to kiss Him. But Jesus said to him, “Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?”

Psalm 55:12-14  For it is not an enemy who reproaches me, Then I could bear it; Nor is it one who hates me who has exalted himself against me, Then I could hide myself from him. But it is you, a man my equal, My companion and my familiar friend; We who had sweet fellowship together Walked in the house of God in the throng.

Matthew 26:14-16  Then one of the twelve, named Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said, “What are you willing to give me to betray Him to you?” And they weighed out thirty pieces of silver to him. From then on he began looking for a good opportunity to betray Jesus.

 Psalm 41:9  Even my close friend in whom I trusted, Who ate my bread, Has lifted up his heel against me.

 Matthew 10:21  “Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death.

betrayal(noun) be·tray  (bĭ-trā′) tr.v. be·trayed, be·tray·ing, be·trays

a. To give aid or information to an enemy of; commit treason against: betray one’s country.
b. To inform upon or deliver into the hands of an enemy in violation of a trust or allegiance: “City investigators betrayed him to his bosses as a whistle-blower” (Selwyn Raab).
2. To be false or disloyal to: betrayed a cause; betray one’s spouse.
3. To divulge in a breach of confidence: betray a secret.
4. To make known unintentionally: Her hollow laugh betrayed her contempt for the idea.
5. To lead astray; deceive: “She felt somewhat like a woman who in a moment of passion is betrayed into an act of infidelity” (Kate Chopin).

[Middle English bitrayen : bi-, be- + trayen, to betray (from Old French trair, from Latin trādere, to hand over; seetradition).]

Betrayal /  fifth columnist A traitor, quisling; a subversive or an enemy sympathizer. This term’s origin dates from the Spanish Civil War (1936-39) when the Loyalist government in Madrid had been infiltrated by many Franco sympathizers. In a radio broadcast to the Loyalists, General Gonzalo Queipo de Llano y Sierro, a Fascist revolutionary, stated, “We have four columns on the battlefield against you, and a fifth column inside your ranks.”

Judas kiss A sign of betrayal, duplicity, or insincerity. The reference is to the kiss Judas Iscariot gave Jesus in betraying him to the authorities:

And he that betrayed him had given them a token, saying, Whomsoever I shall kiss, that same is he. (Mark 14:44)

Proverbs 1:8-9 Lesson 2

A lesson from Proverbs #2 Instruction and Teaching

Proverbs1: 8 Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. 9 They are a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck.

Instruction and teaching are they the same thing?

Instruction / noun

  1. the act or practice of instructing or teaching; education.
  2. knowledge or information imparted.
  3. an item of such knowledge or information.
  4. Usually, instructions. orders or directions:

The instructions are on the back of the box.

  1. the act of furnishing with authoritative directions.
  2. Computers. a command given to a computer to carry out a particular operation.

Synonyms directionstar disciplinestar guidancestar informationstar lessonstar preparationstar schoolingstar teachingstar trainingstar apprenticeshipstar coachingstar drillingstar edificationstar enlightenmentstar groundingstar tuitionstar tutelage

Teaching / noun

  1. the act or profession of a person who teaches.
  2. something that is taught.
  3. Often, teachings. doctrines or precepts:

the teachings of Lao-tzu.

Synonyms coachingstar cultivationstar culturestar disciplinestar guidancestar instructionstar learningstar readingstar schoolingstar trainingstar tutoringstar apprenticeshipstar drillingstar enlightenmentstar tutelagestar book learningstar

Looking at the definitions including the synonyms we see that they are the same. Then why in verse 8 is instruction and teachings mentioned?

שְׁמַע בְּנִי מוּסַר אָבִי וְאַל־תִּטֹּשׁ תּוֹרַת אִמֶּ  1:8 sh’ma B’nimûšar äviykhä w’alTi‡osh TôratiMekhä  1:8 My son, 1121 hear 8085 z8798 the instruction 4148 of thy father, 1 and forsake 5203 z8799 notx408 the law 8451 of thy mother: 517

Musar is the Hebrew word for discipline which is also instruction. Which you read in the English translation of the scripture from the Hebrew translation.  The word used in this translation for teachings is law. So as we go to the root of this scripture we see discipline and law are the original words used for instruction and teachings.


Tôwrâh – ‘instruction, teaching, guidance, law’

More than Just ‘Law’

The word  tôrâh (Strong’s #8451) means more than just ‘law’, its usual simplistic translation (always ‘law’ in the KJV 219x). It derives from  yârâh (Strong’s #3384) meaning ‘to shoot out the hand as pointing, to show, indicate’, ‘to teach, instruct’, ‘to lay foundations’, ‘to sprinkle, to water’, ‘to shoot, as an arrow’.

Yârâh begins with the letter ‘y’ yôdh which is the picture letter of a hand whilst another word sometimes used for teaching and instruction lâmadh (Strong’s #3925) begins with picture letter ‘l’ of an ox-goad, used for disciplining and training an animal or soldiers. How much better to be taught by pointing than by poking, by the demonstration of the hand rather than the discipline of the rod.

Tôrâh then derives from a root verb which has more to do with ‘hand’ led instruction than ‘rod’ following legalism. It means:

  • ‘instruction’ as from a parent to a child (Proverbs 1:8; 3:1; 4:2; 7:2).
  • ‘doctrine/instruction’ via the prophets (Isaiah 1:10; 8:16,20; 42:4,21)
  • ‘legal instruction’ as in the ‘law of sacrifice’ (Leviticus 6:7; 7:7)
  • ‘the Pentateuch/Mosaic revelation’ (Joshua 1:8)

First Use

Regarding the last definition, it cannot exclusively mean ‘The Law’ as its first use predates the Law and is used of Abraham’s obedience to God’s revelation:

“…And all the nations of the earth shall be blessed because Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my torah.” (Genesis 26:4-5)

So Abraham was renowned and the world blessed not because of mere ‘faith’ but, in agreement with the early rabbis and the apostle James, because of his obedience to God’s torah. Torah is not just law and faith involved action and obedience.

It was also broader than ‘a Law’ for Jews only as its second use in the Bible says that there was “one torah” (Exodus 12:49) for the Israelite and for the stranger in their midst.


Its basic idea, then, is ‘instruction’ or ‘teaching’ to a valued individual rather than to a beast of burden. Even when it is legitimately translated as ‘law’ the emphasis is still on instruction. The Torah/Law of Moses might better be translated as ‘the instruction of God by revelation through Moses’.

In the modern Christian church ‘law’ has become a negative word and ‘revelation’ a positive one. But they are both the same. The famous verse in Proverbs 29:18 is usually quoted as half a verse only. Its second half, written in parallel terminology, says the same thing so that revelation and torah instruction are virtually identical:

So we listen and do not forsake the instructions and teachings of our parents. Continue reading verse 9 and we see that we are to wear these upon our head and around our neck. So what comes to your mind when you read this?

I thought about the Helmet of Salvation. How you wear the helmet on your head and then I thought about how some helmets include a collar. How do we guard our minds? We keep the Word of God in the center of our thoughts. We focus on His teachings and how He disciplines us in His love. Athletes and soldiers discipline not only their bodies but their minds. They train themselves to be able to do what is needed to perform their tasks. When we look to the Proverbs we look to the wisdom of God. For His thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not our ways. Isaiah 55:8-9 We lean not on our own understanding. Proverbs 3:5.

There are some who think we do away with the law because of grace and that the law being fulfilled we no longer need the law. The commands of God to me are eternal. Jesus said, ‘If you love me you will keep my commands.’ John 14:15. He went further when He added a command. John 13:34-35 (NKJV)  A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 35 By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”

The 10 Commandments

  1. You shall have no other gods before Me.
  2. You shall not make idols.
  3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
  4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
  5. Honor your father and your mother.
  6. You shall not murder.
  7. You shall not commit adultery.
  8. You shall not steal.
  9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
  10. You shall not covet.

God’s instructions are to teach us how to live life and how to love. We look to His Word for guidance. Jesus is also known as our teacher. John 3:2.  He is also the Word of God made flesh. John 1:1.

Discipline – Law / Instructions – Teachings

What do these mean to you?

1 Corinthians 13 / Love is… Love is not… Bible Study Lessons 1- 10

Love Suffers Long Lesson #1 / 1 Corinthians 13:4 (NKJV)

1 Corinthians 13:4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;

1 Corinthians 13:4 (ESV)  Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant



adjective  long–suf·fer·ing \-ˌsə-f(ə-)riŋ, –ˈsə-\

Simple Definition of long–suffering

  • : suffering for a long time without complaining : very patient during difficult times

Full Definition of long–suffering

  1. : patiently enduring lasting offense or hardship


adjective  pa·tient \ˈpā-shənt\

Simple Definition of patient

  • : able to remain calm and not become annoyed when waiting for a long time or when dealing with problems or difficult people
  • : done in a careful way over a long period of time without hurrying


Full Definition of patient

  1. 1: bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint
  2. 2: manifesting forbearance under provocation or strain
  3. 3: not hasty or impetuous
  4. 4: steadfast despite opposition, difficulty, or adversity
  5. 5a : able or willing to bear —used with ofb :  susceptible, admitting <patient of one interpretation>




noun  for·bear·ance \fȯr-ˈber-ən(t)s, fər-\

Simple Definition of forbearance

  • : the quality of someone who is patient and able to deal with a difficult person or situation without becoming angry

Can you suffer without complaining?

Are you able to remain calm when you are being assaulted, verbally or physically?

How do you deal with difficult people or situations?

Are you patient?

To be honest I have failed miserably at all of these. I complain, get defensive when under attack, difficult people irritate me and my thoughts are not pleasant or loving towards them, and no I am not a patient person by nature. I used to have a joke saying, ‘It is a good thing I am not a doctor because I have no patience’. Am I working on these things? Yes, and through God’s grace changes have been made in me.






Love Is Kind Lesson#2 / Bible Study 1 Corinthians 13:4

1 Corinthians 13:4 NKJV  Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;

1 Corinthians 13:4 NKJV   Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant


What does it mean to be kind?

Kind  (kaɪnd) adj kind·er, kind·est

  1. Having or showing a friendly, generous, sympathetic, or warm-hearted nature.
  2. Agreeable or beneficial: a dry climate kind to asthmatics.

[Middle English kinde, natural, kind, from Old English gecynde, natural; see genə- in Indo-European roots.]

Synonyms: kind1, kindly, kindhearted, benign, benevolent

These adjectives mean having or showing a tender, considerate, and helping nature. Kind and kindly are the leastspecific: thanked her for her kind letter; a kindly gentleman. Kindhearted especially suggests an innately kinddisposition: a kindhearted teacher. Benign implies gentleness and mildness: benign intentions; a benign sovereign.Benevolent suggests charitableness and a desire to promote the welfare or happiness of others: a benevolent

  1. having a friendly or generous nature or attitude
  2. helpful to others or to another: a kind deed.
  3. considerate or humane
  4. cordial; courteous (esp in the phrase kind regards)
  5. pleasant; agreeable; mild: a kind climate.
  6. informal beneficial or not harmful: a detergent that is kind to the hands.
  7. archaic loving

[Old English gecynde natural, native; see kind2]

What does it mean to be friendly?



In what ways are you generous?



Are you sympathetic?



Are you agreeable?



Are you beneficial?




Love Does Not Envy / Lesson#3

1 Corinthians 13:4 NKJV  Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;


What does it mean to envy?  envy noun  en·vy \ˈen-vē\

Simple Definition of envy

:the feeling of wanting to have what someone else has

:someone or something that causes envy

Source: Merriam-Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary


Full Definition of envy plural  envies

1: painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same advantage

2obsolete:  malice

3: an object of envious notice or feeling <his new car made him the envy of his friends>

Definition of envy for Students plural envies

1: a feeling of unhappiness over another’s good fortune together with a desire to have the same good fortune <He was filled with envy on seeing her success.>

2: a person or a thing that is envied

Thesaurus Synonyms of envy

a painful awareness of another’s possessions or advantages and a desire to have them too <her envy of her neighbor’s fancy clothes wrecked their friendship>Synonyms covetousness, enviousness, green-eyed monster, invidiousness, jealousy, resentment

Related Words animosity, enmity, hatred, ill will; malice, maliciousness, spitefulness

Envy, jealousy, and coveting are one in the same, and they all lead to wrong thinking and emotions.  Envy or jealousy can make you feel less about yourself. You can be bitter and resentful. You can even be jealous of how another gets away with a wrong, while you suffer an injustice. This list can go on and on.


In what ways have you been envious or jealous?




What have you coveted?




Have you ever been resentful when someone has wrongfully prospered?




1 Corinthians 13:4 Love does not…#4

1 Corinthians 13:4 (NKJV) 4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;


1 Corinthians 13:4 (GNT) 4 Love is patient and kind; it is not jealous or conceited or proud;


1 Corinthians 13:4 (NIV) 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.


1 Corinthians 13:4 (NASB) 4 Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant,


Parade (noun) 5. An ostentatious show; an exhibition: make a parade of one’s talents.

(verb) 4. To behave so as to attract attention; show off.

(tr)to exhibit or flaunt: he was parading his medals.

Ostentatious (ˌɒstɛnˈteɪʃəs) adj

Characterized by pretentious, showy, or vulgar display

Characterized by pretentious show in an attempt to impress others.

Intended to attract notice: ostentatious charity.

Conceited (kənˈsiːtɪd) adj1. Having a high or exaggerated opinion of oneself or one’s accomplishments


conceited – characteristic of false pride; having an exaggerated sense of self-importance; “a conceited fool”; “an attitude of self-conceited arrogance”; “an egotistical disregard of others”;”so swollen by victory that he was unfit for normal duty”; “growing ever more swollen-headed and arbitrary”; “vain about her clothes”

self-conceited, swollen, swollen-headed, vain, egotistic, egotistical

proud – feeling self-respect or pleasure in something by which you measure your self-worth; or being a reason for pride; “proud parents”; “proud of his accomplishments”; “a proud moment”; “proud to serve his country”; “a proud name”; “proud princes”

Conceited  adjective self-important, vain, arrogant, stuck up (informal), cocky, narcissistic, puffed up, egotistical, overweening, immodest, vainglorious, swollen-headed, bigheaded (informal), full of yourself, too big for your boots or breeches I thought him conceited and arrogant.

modest, humble, unassuming, self-effacing

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


Conceited adjective

Thinking too highly of oneself:   egoistic, egoistical, egotistic, egotistical, narcissistic, vain, vain glorious.

Informal: bigheaded, stuck-up, swell headed.

Unduly preoccupied with one’s own appearance:

narcissistic, vain.

Boast  (bəʊst) vb

(intr;sometimes foll by of or about) to speak in exaggerated or excessively proud terms of one’s possessions, skills, or superior qualities; brag

(tr)to possess (something to be proud of): the city boasts a fine cathedral.

n3. a bragging statement 4. a possession, attribute, attainment, etc, that is or may be bragged about

Synonyms: boast1, brag, crow2, vaunt

These verbs all mean to speak with pride, often excessive pride, about oneself or something related to oneself. Boast is the most general: “We confide [that is, have confidence] in our strength, without boasting of it; we respect that of others, without fearing it” (Thomas Jefferson).

Brag implies exaggerated claims and often an air of insolent superiority: He bragged about his grades. Crow stresses exultation and often loud rejoicing: No candidate should crow until the votes have been counted. Vaunt suggests ostentatiousness and lofty extravagance of expression: “He did not vaunt of his new dignity, but I understood he washighly pleased with it” (James Boswell).

Brag  (bræɡ) vb, brags, bragging or bragged

to speak of (one’s own achievements, possessions, etc) arrogantly and boastfully

n 1. boastful talk or behavior, or an instance of this 2. something boasted of: his brag was his new car.

A braggart; boaster

ar·ro·gant   (ăr′ə-gənt) adj.

Havingor displaying a sense of overbearing self-worth or self-importance. 2. Marked by or arising from a feeling or assumption of one’s superiority toward others: an arrogant contempt for theweak.

[Middle English arrogaunt, from Old French, from Latin arrogāns, arrogant-, present participle of arrogāre, toarrogate; see arrogate.]

ar′ro·gant·ly adv. Synonyms: arrogant, haughty, disdainful, supercilious

These adjectives mean characterized by an inflated ego and disdain for what one considers inferior. One who is arrogant is overbearingly proud and demands excessive power or consideration: an arrogant and pompous professor, unpopular with students and colleagues alike. Haughty suggests superiority, as by reason of high status: “Her laugh was satirical, and so was the habitual expression of her arched and haughty lip” (Charlotte Brontë).

Disdainful emphasizes scorn or contempt: “Nor [let] grandeur hear with a disdainful smile, / The short and simple annals of the poor” (Thomas Gray).

Supercilious implies haughty disdain and aloofness: “Failure would confirm the critics who called him supercilious for following his own methods and not theirs” (Neal Bascomb).


Proud  (praʊd) adj

(follby: of, an infinitive, or a clause) pleased or satisfied, as with oneself, one’s possessions, achievements, etc, or with another person, his or her achievements, qualities, etc

Feeling honoured or gratified by or as if by some distinction

having an inordinately high opinion of oneself; arrogant or haughty

Definitions from


Why are so many definitions included with this lesson? They are listed for clarity. So you can see and understand what these words mean in their context. Taking a shovel and digging in deep. Getting to the core and getting past the surface. The word Love has been used so carelessly and without meaning, I want to get to the truth about love. People say they love chocolate, hamburgers, cake, etc… in the same manner as they say I love you. They have become empty and meaningless words. We confuse love with lust and passion. Why do we use the word lovers for the people we have had sex with? This makes me think of Tina Turner’s song, ‘What’s love got to do with it’. What does love have to do with sex, or any materialistic, physical thing? Nothing. To be honest most of us don’t even love ourselves and do not even realize this. Yet the love God has for us, and gave to us through His Son Jesus is true and filled with life, joy, hope, and truth. Yet how do we learn to understand this kind of love? We dive into His Word. Jesus is the Word made flesh. In this lesson I used parallel versions and definitions(more definitions can be found at  to learn what was really being said in this verse and the two last words of this verse(more actually if you look at the different versions) parade itself/ puffed up: conceited or proud; boast/proud: brag/arrogant. These are things that love is not. It is not about itself or what it can get. It is a real, living, and growing life that gives more than it seeks for itself. I have learned one thing about myself, and that is that I have so much to learn about love and I do not think I am alone. I hope you want to learn too.

Is love about what you want or can get?


Have you ever behaved in a rude or arrogant matter?


Have you sought attention because of a need to feel loved?


Do you have moments where you behave like you are better than those around you?


Do you ever think your sin is not as bad as another?


1 Corinthians 13 has been a lifeline for me for the last five years. It has helped me learn how to deal with tragedies and loss without turning headlong into a self destructive lifestyle. Understanding, that because terrible things have happened, that this does not mean that He does not love me. He knows and feels my pain. I have also learned that if someone hurts me, I do not have to hurt them back, and this does not make me a doormat. I continue to desire to learn and understand what His love is so that I can share this love with others. This is lesson 4 and more will come. I hope and pray that you will share what you know about love and any insights you can give to helps us all grow in His love.

1 Corinthians 13:4 Love is not rude #5


NKJV does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;


NIV It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs


ESV or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful;


YOUNG’s doth not act unseemly, doth not seek its own things, is not provoked, doth not impute evil,


Rude   (ro͞od) adj. rud·er, rud·est


Ill-mannered ,discourteous, or insulting: was offended by his rude behavior.

a.Undevelopedor uncivilized; primitive: a rude and savage land.

Crude, unfinished, or made with limited skill: a rude thatched hut.

Ina natural, raw state: bales of rude cotton.

Unpleasantly forceful or harsh: faced rude winds; received a rude shock.

Chiefly British Vigorous or robust: in rude health.

Archaic Lacking education or refinement: “They were so rude and ignorant … that very little could be learned from them” (Samuel Johnson).

Dishonor ( dis·hon·or )  (dĭs-ŏn′ər)n.


Loss of honor, respect, or reputation.

The condition of having lost honor or good repute.

A cause of loss of honor: was a dishonor to the club.

Failure to pay or refusal to accept a note, a bill, or another commercial obligation.

tr.v. dis·hon·ored, dis·hon·or·ing, dis·hon·ors


To bring shame or disgrace upon.

To treat in a disrespectful or demeaning manner.

To fail or refuse to accept or pay (a note, bill, or check, for example).

syn: See disgrace.

unseemly   (ŭn-sēm′lē) adj. un·seem·li·er, un·seem·li·est  1. Not in accord with accepted standards of decency or morality. 2. Not suited to the circumstances; inappropriate: took an unseemly amount of time to complete the project.

Unattractive; unsightly: “The point at which the walls of suburban houses meet the lawns is apparently unseemly and must be covered up with these stunted trees” (Amy Benson).


In an improper or inappropriate manner.

Synonyms: unseemly, improper, unbecoming, indelicate, indecent, indecorous

These adjectives mean not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper. What is unseemly reflects badly on one’s manners or morals: an unseemly outburst; married in unseemly haste. Improper often refers to unethical conduct, a breach of etiquette, or morally offensive behavior: improper business practices; improper behavior at the dinner table. Unbecoming suggests what is beneath the standard implied by one’s character or position: language unbecoming to an officer. Indelicate suggests immodesty, coarseness, or tactlessness: indelicate barnyard humor; an indelicate reference to the senator’s family troubles. Indecent refers to what is considered crude or vulgar, especially with regard to sexual impropriety or sexually explicit material: an indecent proposal; indecent programming. Indecorous implies violation of propriety or decorum: an exposé of the author’s indecorous past.


American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


Our actions and behavior say more about us than just the words we speak. I know I do not behave as I should and that I may act in a rude manner at times without realizing that I am doing so.  Pain and not feeling well has its effect on my attitude, but this does not excuse rude disrespectful or unseemly behavior. Just because I have had a bad day does not mean that I can take it out on others. This is not the only way one can be rude, disrespectful, or unseemly. I hate it when I snap at a person for any reason, but I do this at times, and the reason does not matter because I know it is not how God would like to see me behave towards anyone. My actions and reactions without love can cause harm and this is something that I do not want to do. I have been hurt enough in my life and I know I have hurt others. I cannot change what has been done, and I cannot change how others behave, but I can take accountability for my own actions, and make the changes that need to be made in myself. Of course I need God’s help and guidance to do this. So I submit to His will and follow Jesus, who is The Word, and my Savior.


Have you ever been sprayed by a skunk? If you have you know how difficult it is and how much time it takes to get rid of the stink. The same can be said about the sin in our lives. It leaves a stink on us and some of us become nose blind to the stench it leaves on us. Yet with submission to God’s will and receiving His love through His Son Jesus we become a pleasing aroma.


Ephesians 5:2 ESV And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.


2 Corinthians 2:14-17 ESV But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere. For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing, to one a fragrance from death to death, to the other a fragrance from life to life. Who is sufficient for these things? For we are not, like so many, peddlers of God’s word, but as men of sincerity, as commissioned by God, in the sight of God we speak in Christ.


1 Peter 4:8 ESV Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.


Questions for thought and comments.


Think about a time when someone was rude or disrespectful to you. How did that make you feel?


Can you remember how you reacted?


How can you apply this part of this scripture to your own life?



Love does not seek its own 1 Corinthians 13:5 Lesson 6

1 Corinthians 13: 5(NKJV) does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;

1 Corinthians 13:5 (NIV) It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

1 Corinthians 13:5 (ESV) or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful;

1 Corinthians 13:5 (NLT)  or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.


Seeking, insisting, or demanding your own way is not love. Even God who created us does not demand. He has given us commands, instructions, and laws, but gives us free will to choose what we will and will not do. The results of our choices and how they impact our lives and the lives we touch are our own. When Adam and Eve did the one thing they were asked not to do. God did not stop them but the result of their action was that they had to leave Eden. God did not make them eat the fruit but told them not to. Then God told them that a Savior would be born through a woman to redeem man and defeat the enemy. Even when His command was broken He still makes a way to forgive and to love us who do not deserve His love or mercy.


He knew we would continue to sin yet He loves us so completely He paid the price for our actions in sending His Son Jesus to pay the debt of our sins to redeem us. Yet if someone were to wrongs you, do you demand they make payment or make repairs? I cannot answer for you but I know I have.


If I am only out to do things that are for my gain alone and do not care if I hurt anyone or cause any damage as long as I get what I want I am being selfish and self seeking.

Discussion Questions

What does it mean to you to be self seeking?



What do you think it means to insist on your own way and are there times when it is okay to do so?



Are you demanding about anything?



When we think of love we think about feelings and what we get if we want to be honest it is about our wants, desires, and needs. Man is selfish by nature. Yet this is not an excuse. God’s ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not ours. When we enter into a relationship with Jesus we receive His love and forgiveness. His love transforms us from what we were to His image, but this transformation does not take place overnight. If you are an artist, who paints, sculpts, or carves, you know the image does not appear like magic. You form; you chisel, and cut away. You stroke paint onto a canvas. It may take you days, weeks, or months. You took one thing and transformed a blank canvas, a block of, stone, or a lump of clay and created a piece of art for you and others to enjoy, and appreciate. Now if you force any of your process what usually happens? It doesn’t turn out the way you wanted and may even be broken beyond repair. Demanding or insisting with force can do great damage.

So I pray to become less demanding and more pleasing to our Lord. Seeking to serve the needs of others, knowing He provides for all of my needs.



self-seek·ing  (sĕlf′sē′kĭng)  adj.1. Pursuing only one’s own ends or interests.

Exhibiting concern only with promoting one’s own ends orinterests: self-seeking maneuvers.

n.Determined pursuit of one’s own ends or interests.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

the act oraninstance of seeking one’s own profit or interest, esp exclusively

adj. having or showing an exclusive preoccupation with one’s own profit or interest: a self-seeking attitude.

ˌself-seeking  adjective selfish, self-interested, mercenary, calculating, opportunistic, self-serving, acquisitive, on the make(slang), careerist, gold-digging, fortune-hunting, looking out for number one (informal), out for what you can getPoliticians are untrustworthy self-seeking creatures.

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

self-seeking  adjective Concerned only with oneself:

egocentric, egoistic, egoistical, egomaniacal, egotistic, egotistical, self-absorbed, self-centered, self-involved, selfish, self-serving.

Idiom: wrapped up in oneself.

in·sist   (ĭn-sĭst′) v. in·sist·ed, in·sist·ing, in·sists

v.intr. To be resolute or firm in a demand or course: I insist on paying my share of the expenses. assert or demand (something) firmly or persistently: We insist that you stay for dinner.


Vb  1. to make a determined demand (for): he insisted that his rights be respected; he insisted on his rights.  2. to express a convinced belief (in) or assertion (of): he insisted that she was mad; he insisted on her madness.

Verb  1. persist, press (someone), be firm, stand firm, stand your ground, lay down the law, put your foot down(informal), not take no for an  answer, brook no refusal, take or make a stand I didn’t want to join in, but heinsisted.

demand, order, urge, require, command, dictate, entreatI insisted that the fault be repaired.

assert, state, maintain, hold, claim, declare, repeat, vow, swear, contend, affirm, reiterate, profess, avow,aver, asseverateHe insisted that he was acting out of compassion.

Demand 1. To ask for urgently or peremptorily: demand an investigation into the murder; demanding that he leave immediately; demanded to speak to the manager.

To claim as just or due: demand repayment of a loan.

To ask to be informed of: demanded an explanation for the interruption.

To require as useful, just, proper, or necessary; call for: a gem that demands a fine setting.


To lay legal claim to; claim formally.

To ask that (something) be done in accordance with a legal requirement. verb 1. request, ask (for), order, expect, claim, seek, call for, insist on, exact, appeal for, solicit She demanded an immediate apology.

challenge, ask, question, inquire ‘What do you expect me to do about it?’ she demanded. 3. require, take, want, need, involve, call for, entail, necessitate, cry out for The task demands much patience and hard work. require give, provide, produce, supply, grant, contribute, yield, come up with, furnish


request, order, charge, bidding He grew ever more fierce in his demands.

need, want, call, market, claim, requirement, necessity The demand for coal is down.

in demand sought after, needed, popular, favoured, requested, in favour, fashionable, well-liked, in vogue, like gold dust He was much in demand as a lecturer.

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1 Corinthians 13:5 / Love is not easily angered / Lesson 7


1 Corinthians 13:5(NKJV) 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;

1 Corinthians 13:5 (ESV)  5 or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful;

1 Corinthians 13:5(NIV) 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.


Definition of provoke / provoked / provoking – transitive verb

1a archaic :  to arouse to a feeling or action b :  to incite to anger

provoke, excite, stimulate, pique, quicken mean to arouse as if by pricking. provoke directs attention to the response called forth <my stories usually provoke laughter>. excite implies a stirring up or moving profoundly <news that excited anger and frustration>. stimulate suggests a rousing out of lethargy, quiescence, or indifference <stimulating conversation>. pique suggests stimulating by mild irritation or challenge <that remark piqued my interest>. quicken implies beneficially stimulating and making active or lively <the high salary quickened her desire to have the job>.

Synonyms – irritate / to rouse to strong feeling or action <his teasing finally provoked her to anger> <bees generally will not sting unless they are provoked>

Synonyms arouse, encourage, excite, fire (up), impassion, incite, instigate, move, pique, rev (up), spark, stimulate, stir

Related Words fan, ignite, inflame (also enflame), kindle, trigger; activate, animate, drive, energize, galvanize, induce, inspire, key (up), motivate, motive, pump up, quicken, set off, vitalize; abet, ferment, foment, raise, whip (up); anger, enrage, madden, upset; jeer, taunt, tease; aggravate, annoy, bother, exasperate, gall, get, irritate, vex

Definition of irritable :  capable of being irritated: asa :  easily exasperated or excited <gets irritable when he tires>b :  responsive to stimuli

Synonyms of irritable / easily irritated or annoyed <that irritable old man always yells at people to stay off of his lawn>Synonyms choleric, crabby, cranky, cross, crotchety, fiery, grouchy, grumpy, irascible, peevish, perverse, pettish, petulant, prickly, quick-tempered, raspy, ratty, short-tempered, snappish, snappy, snarky, snippety, snippy, stuffy, testy, waspish Related Words bearish, bilious, cantankerous, cross-grained, curmudgeonly, disagreeable, dyspeptic, ill-humored, ill-natured, ill-tempered, off-color (or off-colored), ornery, querulous, snarly, surly; argumentative, bellicose, belligerent, combative, contentious, disputatious, fractious, fretful, pugnacious, quarrelsome, scrappy, truculent; huffy, pouty, sensitive, short, sulky, sullen, tetchy, thin-skinned, touchy; hot-blooded, passionate


Definition of anger / angered / angering :  to make strongly displeased :  make angry

anger noun an·ger : a strong feeling of being upset or annoyed because of something wrong or bad : the feeling that makes someone want to hurt other people, to shout, etc. : the feeling of being angry

Synonyms of anger / an intense emotional state of displeasure with someone or something <managed to stifle his anger when the receptionist put him on hold for the third time>Synonyms angriness, [chiefly Scottish], choler, furor, fury, indignation, irateness, ire, lividity, lividness, mad, madness, mood [archaic], outrage, rage, spleen, wrath, wrathfulness Related Words aggravation, annoyance, exasperation, irritation, vexation; acrimoniousness, acrimony, animosity, antagonism, antipathy, bile, biliousness, bitterness, contempt ,embitterment, enmity, grudge, hostility, rancor; envy, jaundice, jealousy, pique ,resentment; malevolence, malice, spite, vengefulness, venom, vindictiveness, virulence, vitriol; belligerence, contentiousness, contrariness, crankiness, disputatiousness, hot-headedness, irascibility, irascibleness, irritability, orneriness, pugnacity, quarrelsomeness, blowup, flare, flare-up, outburst; chafe, dander, dudgeon, huff, pet, rise, ruffle, temper; air rage, road rage; delirium, heat, passion, warmth


Are you easily provoked, irritable, or angered?




What is something that easily angers you?




The more the love of Christ grows in us the less we can become angered provoke or irritable. For His love is opposite of these things and His love is True love. Being angered or irritable alone is not a sin but what we do when we are these things can be if we are not acting according to His love. We may not show our anger or irritation but if we let it take root in our mind it still can cause damage. Remember just because a person is smiling at you does not mean their thoughts towards you are good.


We can be provoked by various things and what is provoked can also vary. When provoked to anger we often react in a negative manner. Anger colors our judgment and we react in haste. The enemy uses this against us to use us to do harm. Jabez when he prayed to the Lord asked to be kept from doing harm. When we see wrongs being committed it is okay to be angry but being easily angered we are not thinking clearly but emotionally. Emotions cloud our judgment and we often seek revenge not justice. When angry or irritated we are not thinking about love.  Living in a world with so much violence and injustice it is easy to be provoked and feel anger. This world and all that is wrong will one day come to an end. So how do we live in this world and not be easily provoked, irritated, or angered? It takes love, His love which is merciful and forgiving. Think about all that He suffered for our sakes while on this earth and why He did it. It helps you look at any situation with new eyes. His love covers a multitude of sins. Live in His love, and love your enemies and you will not be as easily angered as you were before you received His love. As his love grows in us and we begin to see through His eyes we begin to see those who have harmed us for who they are. People who themselves are hurting and lost. Who have been wounded by abuse, neglect, rejection and hatred to name a few things. Then compassion takes place of resentment and anger. Forgiveness and mercy takes place of bitterness and resentment. Love takes place of hate. Love always wins because Jesus is love. We should not ignore the things that anger or upset us, because pretending will not make the problem go away. Deal with the problem using God’s love and His Word to guide you.



1 Corinthians 13:5 Love Thinks No Evil Lesson 8


5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; NKJV

5  or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; ESV

5  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. NIV

5 does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, NASB

5 Thinks no evil; is not resentful; keeps no records of wrongs; does not take into account a wrong suffered.  The last two versions you can also use the word grudge.


evil /ˈēvəl/noun: evil, plural noun: evils

profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force: “the world is stalked by relentless evil”

synonyms: wickedness, bad, badness, wrongdoing, sin, ill, immorality, vice, iniquity, degeneracy, corruption, depravity, villainy, nefariousness, malevolence, devil, turpitude

▪ a manifestation of this, especially in people’s actions:

“the evil that took place last Thursday”

Synonyms: abomination, atrocity, obscenity, outrage, enormity, crime, monstrosity, barbarity

▪ something that is harmful or undesirable:

“sexism, racism, and all other unpleasant social evils”

synonyms: harm, pain, misery, sorrow, suffering, trouble, disaster, misfortune, catastrophe, affliction, woe, hardship



profoundly immoral and malevolent: “his evil deeds“

synonyms: wicked, bad, wrong, immoral, sinful, foul, vile, dishonorable, corrupt, iniquitous, depraved, reprobate, villainous, nefarious, vicious, malicious, malevolent, sinister, demonic, devilish, diabolical, fiendish, dark, monstrous, shocking, despicable, atrocious, heinous, odious, contemptible, horrible, execrable, lowdown, dirty

▪ (of a force or spirit) embodying or associated with the forces of the devil:

“we have been driven out of the house by this evil spirit”

▪ harmful or tending to harm:

“the evil effects of high taxes”

synonyms: cruel, mischievous, pernicious, malignant, malign, baleful, vicious, destructive, harmful, hurtful, injurious, detrimental, deleterious, inimical, bad, ruinous

▪ (of something seen or smelled) extremely unpleasant:

“a bathroom with an evil smell”

synonyms: unpleasant, disagreeable, nasty, horrible, foul, disgusting, filthy, vile, noxious

Word Origin Old English yfel, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch euvel and German Übel.


resentful /rəˈzentfəl/ adjective

feeling or expressing bitterness or indignation at having been treated unfairly:

“he was angry and resentful of their intrusion”

synonyms: aggrieved, indignant, irritated, piqued, put out, in high dudgeon, dissatisfied, disgruntled, discontented, offended, bitter, jaundiced, envious, jealous, brooding, miffed, peeved, sore


1.resentfully adverb 2.resentfulness n.

Synonyms; acrid, acrimonious, embittered, hard, rancorous, bitter, sore

Related Words

disaffected, discontented, disgruntled, malcontent; contemptuous, cynical, disdainful, misanthropic, scornful; angry, cruel, harsh, irritated, mad, rough, savage, vehement, vicious, virulent, vitriolic; acid, caustic, cutting, mordant, sarcastic, trenchant; knock-down, drag-out (or knock-down-and-drag-out)

In the NKJV it says thinks no evil. It is not just what we do but what we think that we have to consider. Jesus said, ‘To even look at a woman with lust in your eyes is to have committed adultery. Wrong thinking happens before one takes action. Sometimes it is a quick thought and other times the thought lingers and takes root. It can hide itself behind reasons, logics and what one holds to be their right. (Something we saw in the woman’s march that recently took place in protest to our new President Trump) to name a few ways it can hide in our minds. Scripture tells us to take every thought captive (2 Corinthians 10:5 (NKJV)  casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, )and there is a reason for this. If we allow wrong thinking to continue those thoughts turn into actions and wrong attitudes. Even smells are listed in above definitions in the synonyms.

Most of us do not think we do anything that is evil but the definitions above reveal that there are things we do that we do not realize they are doing something evil. Most of us do not intend to do any harm.

Being resentful or holding a grudge harms both the one holding the grudge and the one the grudge is held against. Not keeping records of a wrong done to you does not mean you forget what had been done. What was done cannot be changed because it was done in the past. It frees your mind letting go of the thoughts and not keeping yourself in the same prison you are holding the wrong doer. Instead of focusing your thoughts on the pain you suffered or the wrong done to you, thinking on the goodness of Jesus and the love you have can change not only how you think but how you live.


Think about your thoughts.

Do you remember the saying think before you speak?


Do you take your thoughts captive and take them to God?


Do you justify you’re a thoughts?


Do you want to change how you think?


1 Corinthians 13:6-7 Rejoicing In Truth Lesson 9

1 Corinthians 13:6- (NKJV)  does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.


1 Corinthians 13:6-7 (NIV) 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.


1 Corinthians 13:6-7 (ESV)  it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. 7 Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.


Rejoicing in truth. What does this mean to you?


Truth is not opinion or your perspective and point of view. The real Truth is Jesus.


Definition of truth  plural   truths\ˈtrüthz, ˈtrüths\


1aarchaic :  fidelity, constancyb :  sincerity in action, character, and utterance

2a(1) :  the state of being the case :  fact (2) :  the body of real things, events, and facts : actuality (3) often capitalized :  a transcendent fundamental or spiritual realityb :  a judgment, proposition, or idea that is true or accepted as true <truths of thermodynamics>c :  the body of true statements and propositions

3a:  the property (as of a statement) of being in accord with fact or realityb chiefly British :  true 2c :  fidelity to an original or to a standard

4capitalized,Christian Science :  god

in truth

: in accordance with fact :  actually

Origin and Etymology of truth  Middle English trewthe, from Old Englishtrēowth fidelity; akin to Old English trēowefaithful — more at true

Definition of truth for English Language Learners

the truth: the real facts about something : the things that are true

:the quality or state of being true

:a statement or idea that is true or accepted as true

Synonyms facticity, factuality, sooth, trueness, verity


Definition of rejoice



  1. transitive verb

: to give joy to :  gladden

  1. intransitive verb

: to feel joy or great delight

rejoicer   noun

rejoicingly -ˈjȯi-siŋ-lē\ adverb

rejoice in

: have, possess

Definition of rejoice for English Language Learners

:to feel or show that you are very happy about something

Synonyms crow, delight, exuberate, glory, jubilate,joy, kvell, exult, triumph


Verse 7 – bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.


What does it mean to bear something?


What do you believe in?


What does it mean to endure?



1 Corinthians 13:8-13 Love is…Lesson#10 Conclusion

1 Corinthians 13:8-13 (NKJV) Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part. 10 But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away. 11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. 13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.


1 Corinthians 13:8-13 (ESV) Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away. 11 When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways. 12 For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.13 So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.


What does it mean to fail?

  1. Fail intransitive verb

1a:  to lose strength :  weaken <her health was failing>b :  to fade or die away <until our family line fails>c :  to stop functioning normally <the patient’s heart failed>

2a:  to fall short <failed in his duty>b :  to be or become absent or inadequate <the water supply failed>c :  to be unsuccessful <the marriage failed>; specifically :  to be unsuccessful in achieving a passing grade <took the exam and failed>d :  to become bankrupt or insolvent <banks were failing>

  1. transitive verb

1a:  to disappoint the expectations or trust of <her friends failed her>b :  to miss performing an expected service or function for <his wit failed him>

2: to be deficient in :  lack <never failed an invincible courage — Douglas MacArthur>

3: to leave undone :  neglect <fail to lock the door>

Love does not fail means that it will not lose its’ strength, not stop functioning, will not fall short. It is never absent, inadequate, or unsuccessful. Love will not disappoint you and lacks nothing. Love will not neglect you.


Prophecies will pass away not because they are not true but because the true prophecy of Jesus will be fulfilled and once fulfilled it is then done but love is never done it has no end. You can have all the knowledge in this world and still have nothing if you do not know love. Love is not something you can comprehend truly by mans way of thinking. The love God has given to us makes no rational sense in the way man thinks. A man would rather kill an enemy verses sacrificing his own life to save another. Many of us can be a know it all. ‘Oh I knew that and let me tell you the right way to do that etc…’ They say a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing and I believe who ever first said that had quite a revelation. This is even true of Christians. We have some knowledge but none of us have complete understanding of God’s Word. There is division amongst His body because one part holds on to one piece of the truth while another part holds on to their little piece. Yet instead of working together and learning from each other they stay divided. If a body is divided how can it function? It cannot even stand.


When we were children we spoke as a child speaks but when we grow we mature and how we speak changes. As we mature the childish behavior stops and we come adults. Yet today how many of us only grow old and never mature?

Our vision is impaired right now. We see shapes and colors. We may even put on a pair of glasses to try and see better, yet even then we do not see all that God is doing and sometimes we do not even see what He has already done.


We are still growing and maturing. We know in part and see in part. One day we will see Jesus return and He will take us home. Until that day we are to abide in faith, hope and love and the Word says out of these three the greatest is love.

Faith – we believe.

Hope – we trust.

Love is everything.

In this study we have looked at what love is and what it is not. In your own words would you make two lists? If you ever made a list of pros and cons it should look something like that. On one side at the top of the list write Love is not, and on the top of the second list write, Love is. Personalize this list. Do not worry you are not changing God’s word, but do make it personal to you. Even take events from your own life and place them in your lists. When we are done with our lists we will share them.

Questions for discussion;

In this ten part lesson from 1 Corinthians 13 which verse speaks the most to you today?


From the scripture discussing what love is not which one is at the top of your list to work on in yourself?



What is the most important part of these lessons to you?

1 Corinthians 13:5 Love Thinks No Evil Lesson 8

1 Corinthians 13:5

5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; NKJV

5  or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; ESV

5  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. NIV

5 does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, NASB

5 Thinks no evil; is not resentful; keeps no records of wrongs; does not take into account a wrong suffered.  The last two versions you can also use the word grudge.

evil /ˈēvəl/noun: evil, plural noun: evils

  1. profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force: “the world is stalked by relentless evil”

synonyms: wickedness, bad, badness, wrongdoing, sin, ill, immorality, vice, iniquity, degeneracy, corruption, depravity, villainy, nefariousness, malevolence, devil, turpitude

▪ a manifestation of this, especially in people’s actions:

“the evil that took place last Thursday”

synonyms: abomination, atrocity, obscenity, outrage, enormity, crime, monstrosity, barbarity

something that is harmful or undesirable:

“sexism, racism, and all other unpleasant social evils”

synonyms: harm, pain, misery, sorrow, suffering, trouble, disaster, misfortune, catastrophe, affliction, woe, hardship


  1. profoundly immoral and malevolent: his evil deeds

synonyms: wicked, bad, wrong, immoral, sinful, foul, vile, dishonorable, corrupt, iniquitous, depraved, reprobate, villainous, nefarious, vicious, malicious, malevolent, sinister, demonic, devilish, diabolical, fiendish, dark, monstrous, shocking, despicable, atrocious, heinous, odious, contemptible, horrible, execrable, lowdown, dirty

▪ (of a force or spirit) embodying or associated with the forces of the devil:

“we have been driven out of the house by this evil spirit”

harmful or tending to harm:

“the evil effects of high taxes”

synonyms: cruel, mischievous, pernicious, malignant, malign, baleful, vicious, destructive, harmful, hurtful, injurious, detrimental, deleterious, inimical, bad, ruinous

▪ (of something seen or smelled) extremely unpleasant:

“a bathroom with an evil smell”

synonyms: unpleasant, disagreeable, nasty, horrible, foul, disgusting, filthy, vile, noxious

Word OriginOld English yfel, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch euvel and German Übel.

resentful /rəˈzentfəl/ adjective

  1. feeling or expressing bitterness or indignation at having been treated unfairly:

“he was angry and resentful of their intrusion”

synonyms: aggrieved, indignant, irritated, piqued, put out, in high dudgeon, dissatisfied, disgruntled, discontented, offended, bitter, jaundiced, envious, jealous, brooding, miffed, peeved, sore


1.resentfully adverb 2.resentfulness n.

 Synonyms; acrid, acrimonious, embittered, hard, rancorous, bitter, sore

Related Words

disaffected, discontented, disgruntled, malcontent; contemptuous, cynical, disdainful, misanthropic, scornful; angry, cruel, harsh, irritated, mad, rough, savage, vehement, vicious, virulent, vitriolic; acid, caustic, cutting, mordant, sarcastic, trenchant; knock-down, drag-out (or knock-down-and-drag-out)


In the NKJV it says thinks no evil. It is not just what we do but what we think that we have to consider. Jesus said, ‘To even look at a woman with lust in your eyes is to have committed adultery. Wrong thinking happens before one takes action. Sometimes it is a quick thought and other times the thought lingers and takes root. It can hide itself behind reasons, logics and what one holds to be their right. (Something we saw in the woman’s march that recently took place in protest to our new President Trump) to name a few ways it can hide in our minds. Scripture tells us to take every thought captive (2 Corinthians 10:5 (NKJV)  casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, )and there is a reason for this. If we allow wrong thinking to continue those thoughts turn into actions and wrong attitudes. Even smells are listed in above definitions in the synonyms.

Most of us do not think we do anything that is evil but the definitions above reveal that there are things we do that we do not realize they are doing something evil. Most of us do not intend to do any harm.

Being resentful or holding a grudge harms both the one holding the grudge and the one the grudge is held against. Not keeping records of a wrong done to you does not mean you forget what had been done. What was done cannot be changed because it was done in the past. It frees your mind letting go of the thoughts and not keeping yourself in the same prison you are holding the wrong doer. Instead of focusing your thoughts on the pain you suffered or the wrong done to you, thinking on the goodness of Jesus and the love you have can change not only how you think but how you live.


Think about your thoughts.


Do you remember the saying think before you speak?



Do you take your thoughts captive and take them to God?



Do you justify you’re a thoughts?



Do you want to change how you think?


Proverbs 1:1-7 / Lesson 1 / Fear?

Proverbs Chapter 1:1-7

Lesson 1


1 The proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel: 2 To know wisdom and instruction, To perceive the words of understanding, 3 To receive the instruction of wisdom, Justice, judgment, and equity; 4 To give prudence to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion– 5 A wise man will hear and increase learning, and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel, 6To understand a proverb and an enigma, the words of the wise and their riddles. 7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.


Know verb aware of through observation, inquiry, or information:”most people know that CFCs can damage the ozone layer” 2.have developed a relationship with (someone) through meeting and spending time with them; be familiar or friendly with:  Synonyms : be aware, realize, be conscious, be informed, notice,

Wisdom  noun 1.the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise .synonyms ::sagacityintelligencesensecommon sense, shrewdness,

Instruction noun  1.a direction or order:”he issued instructions to the sheriff”synonyms:ordercommanddirectivedirectiondecree2.detailed information telling how something should be done, operated, or assembled:”always study the instructions supplied” synonyms:: directions, keyrubricspecification, how-to’s ordercommanddirectivedirectiondecree,

Perceive  verb  1.become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand:”his mouth fell open as he perceived the truth” 2.interpret or look on (someone or something) in a particular way; regard as:”if Guy does not perceive himself as disabled, nobody else should”  synonyms: : regard, look on, viewconsider, think of discernrecognize, become aware of, seedistinguish,

Understanding  adjective 1.sympathetically aware of other people’s feelings; tolerant and forgiving:”people expect their doctor to be understanding” 2.having insight or good judgment. synonyms:compassionatesympatheticsensitiveconsideratetender

Prudence  noun 1.the quality of being prudent; cautiousness:”we need to exercise prudence in such important matters” synonyms: wisdom, judgment, good judgment, common sensesense

Enigma  noun 1.a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling or difficult to understand             synonyms / puzzle, riddle conundrum paradox

Once again I have a list of definitions. I know some may find this boring or unnecessary, but since I learned a long time ago to understand that I need to know what I am reading by knowing the meaning of the words I read. In the Bible you will find ‘Do not fear,’ written 365 times, yet in verse 7 the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. This seems to be a contradiction. So what does it mean to ‘fear the Lord’? I looked for a definition of this phrase but  had difficulty. What I found were lessons and commentaries. I also found this quote that I would to share:

So how does fear of God, who is perfect love, take away fear? William D. Eisenhower puts it this way in his article ‘Fearing God” in Christianity Today:

Unfortunately, many of us presume that the world is the ultimate threat and that God’s function is to offset it. How different this is from the biblical position that God is far scarier than the world …. When we assume that the world is the ultimate threat, we give it unwarranted power, for in truth, the world’s threats are temporary. When we expect God to balance the stress of the world, we reduce him to the world’s equal …. As I walk with the Lord, I discover that God poses an ominous threat to my ego, but not to me. He rescues me from my delusions, so he may reveal the truth that sets me free. He casts me down, only to lift me up again. He sits in judgment of my sin, but forgives me nevertheless. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, but love from the Lord is its completion.

Matthew 10:28 (NKJV)  And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.


As I continued to search for a clearer definition I looked up the meaning in Hebrew for fear. I did this because the Old Testament is originally written in Hebrew; I found this what I was looking for on this website –

The Living Words

~~ Fear ~~

Fear is an abstract concept, but the Hebrew words translated as “fear” have a more concrete definition behind them. The first root we will examine is dxp pahhad [H:6342] . Fear (pahhad – noun)) came upon me, and trembling, and caused all my bones to shake (pahhad – verb). Job 4:14 In this verse, the word “fear” is the noun dxp pahhad [H:6343] meaning “shaking,” while the word “shake” is the verb dxp pahhad [H:6342] meaning “to shake.” The second Hebrew root is ary yara [H:3372]. In the following verse, we will see that this verb means “fear” in the sense of what we would consider fear. And he said, I heard your voice in the garden and I feared (yarah) because I was naked and I hid myself. Genesis 3:10 In the next verse, we see the same Hebrew word in a more positive context. You will revere (yarah) Yahweh your Elohiym and you will serve him and in his name you will swear. Deuteronomy 6:13 Many would conclude from these two passages this Hebrew word has two different meanings, fear and reverence. This assumption is made with many Hebrew words, but this is caused by an understanding of the Hebrew vocabulary from a non-Hebraic perspective. Each Hebrew word has only one meaning but can have different applications. The literal concrete meaning of yara is a “flowing of the gut,” which can be applied to “fear” or “reverence.” Have you ever been so scared or been in the presence of something so amazing that you could feel it in your gut? This “feeling” is the meaning of this word. The Hebrews were a very emotional people, and in many cases their words are describing a “feeling,” rather than an “action.” The fear (yirah) of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding Proverbs 9:10 (KJV) The word “fear” in the this verse is the noun hary yirah [H:3374] , derived from the verb yarah. The common understanding of this verse is if one is afraid of or in great awe of Yahweh, he will have wisdom, but as we shall see, this is not consistent with its use in the Hebrew language. The Hebrew for “fear of the LORD” (as found in the verse above) is written with two nouns, hwhy tary yirat1 Yahweh. When a noun precedes another noun, the first noun is in the construct state, meaning it is connected to the second noun—two words together forming one concept.

An 1 When a feminine noun ending with the letter h, such as yirah, is used in the construct state, the h is converted to a t, in this case it becomes yirat. example of a construct noun can be found in the phrase Myhla twklm malkut elohiym (kingdom of God).” Notice the first noun, “kingdom,” belongs to the second noun, “God.” Below is a complete list of construct phrases from the book of Genesis where the second word in the construct is “Yahweh.” The Word of Yahweh (Genesis 15:1) The Voice of Yahweh (Genesis 3:8) The Face of Yahweh (Genesis 4:16) The Name of Yahweh (Genesis 4:26) The Eyes of Yahweh (Genesis 6:8) The Garden of Yahweh (Genesis 13:10) The Angel of Yahweh (Genesis 16:7) The Way of Yahweh (Genesis 18:19) The Mount of Yahweh (Genesis 22:14) You will notice in every instance the first word in the construct (word, voice, etc) belongs to the second word of the construct (Yahweh). So, why do we think the word “fear” in the construct phrase “fear of Yahweh” is “our” fear and not Yahweh’s? We know God cannot “fear,” but as pointed out previously, the Hebrew verb yara literally means “to flow out of the gut.” Now the question becomes, “What flows out of the gut of Yahweh?” Let’s look at two other constructs, which will shed some light on what “the fear of Yahweh” might be. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night Psalm 1:2 (KJV) The Hebrew for “the law of the LORD” is hwhy trwt torat Yahweh. We previously defined the word hrwt2 torah [H:8451] 3 as 2 Torat is the construct form of the feminine noun torah (see previous footnote).

Looking for better understanding and digging deep into the Word leads to a clearer picture. It is like an archeological dig and finding an amazing treasure. How they dig is with care and patience. They are diligent and hopeful. They do not rush in, and they also do not force their way. They face various obstacles and work for hours doing what some may think is tedious.  So reading and defining scriptures is where you will find treasures only God can give to you.



What are you seeking?


Having defined these words, do you have a deeper understanding of these scriptures?


What does fear mean to you?


Is there a difference in the fear of things in the world and fear of the Lord?

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1 Corinthians 13:5 / Love is not easily angered / Lesson 7

1 Corinthians 13:5 Love is not easily angered Lesson #7


1 Corinthians 13:5(NKJV) 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;

1 Corinthians 13:5 (ESV)  5 or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful;

1 Corinthians 13:5(NIV) 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.


Definition of provoke / provoked / provoking – transitive verb

1a archaic :  to arouse to a feeling or action b :  to incite to anger

provoke, excite, stimulate, pique, quicken mean to arouse as if by pricking. provoke directs attention to the response called forth <my stories usually provoke laughter>. excite implies a stirring up or moving profoundly <news that excited anger and frustration>. stimulate suggests a rousing out of lethargy, quiescence, or indifference <stimulating conversation>. pique suggests stimulating by mild irritation or challenge <that remark piqued my interest>. quicken implies beneficially stimulating and making active or lively <the high salary quickened her desire to have the job>.

Synonyms – irritate / to rouse to strong feeling or action <his teasing finally provoked her to anger> <bees generally will not sting unless they are provoked>

Synonyms arouse, encourage, excite, fire (up), impassion, incite, instigate, move, pique, rev (up), spark, stimulate, stir

Related Words fan, ignite, inflame (also enflame), kindle, trigger; activate, animate, drive, energize, galvanize, induce, inspire, key (up), motivate, motive, pump up, quicken, set off, vitalize; abet, ferment, foment, raise, whip (up); anger, enrage, madden, upset; jeer, taunt, tease; aggravate, annoy, bother, exasperate, gall, get, irritate, vex


Definition of irritable :  capable of being irritated: asa :  easily exasperated or excited <gets irritable when he tires>b :  responsive to stimuli

Synonyms of irritable / easily irritated or annoyed <that irritable old man always yells at people to stay off of his lawn>Synonyms choleric, crabby, cranky, cross, crotchety, fiery, grouchy, grumpy, irascible, peevish, perverse, pettish, petulant, prickly, quick-tempered, raspy, ratty, short-tempered, snappish, snappy, snarky, snippety, snippy, stuffy, testy, waspish Related Words bearish, bilious, cantankerous, cross-grained, curmudgeonly, disagreeable, dyspeptic, ill-humored, ill-natured, ill-tempered, off-color (or off-colored), ornery, querulous, snarly, surly; argumentative, bellicose, belligerent, combative, contentious, disputatious, fractious, fretful, pugnacious, quarrelsome, scrappy, truculent; huffy, pouty, sensitive, short, sulky, sullen, tetchy, thin-skinned, touchy; hot-blooded, passionate


Definition of anger / angered / angering :  to make strongly displeased :  make angry

anger noun an·ger : a strong feeling of being upset or annoyed because of something wrong or bad : the feeling that makes someone want to hurt other people, to shout, etc. : the feeling of being angry

Synonyms of anger / an intense emotional state of displeasure with someone or something <managed to stifle his anger when the receptionist put him on hold for the third time>Synonyms angriness, [chiefly Scottish], choler, furor, fury, indignation, irateness, ire, lividity, lividness, mad, madness, mood [archaic], outrage, rage, spleen, wrath, wrathfulness Related Words aggravation, annoyance, exasperation, irritation, vexation; acrimoniousness, acrimony, animosity, antagonism, antipathy, bile, biliousness, bitterness, contempt ,embitterment, enmity, grudge, hostility, rancor; envy, jaundice, jealousy, pique ,resentment; malevolence, malice, spite, vengefulness, venom, vindictiveness, virulence, vitriol; belligerence, contentiousness, contrariness, crankiness, disputatiousness, hot-headedness, irascibility, irascibleness, irritability, orneriness, pugnacity, quarrelsomeness, blowup, flare, flare-up, outburst; chafe, dander, dudgeon, huff, pet, rise, ruffle, temper; air rage, road rage; delirium, heat, passion, warmth


Are you easily provoked, irritable, or angered?



What is something that easily angers you?



The more the love of Christ grows in us the less we can become angered provoke or irritable. For His love is opposite of these things and His love is True love. Being angered or irritable alone is not a sin but what we do when we are these things can be if we are not acting according to His love. We may not show our anger or irritation but if we let it take root in our mind it still can cause damage. Remember just because a person is smiling at you does not mean their thoughts towards you are good.

We can be provoked by various things and what is provoked can also vary. When provoked to anger we often react in a negative manner. Anger colors our judgment and we react in haste. The enemy uses this against us to use us to do harm. Jabez when he prayed to the Lord asked to be kept from doing harm. When we see wrongs being committed it is okay to be angry but being easily angered we are not thinking clearly but emotionally. Emotions cloud our judgment and we often seek revenge not justice. When angry or irritated we are not thinking about love.  Living in a world with so much violence and injustice it is easy to be provoked and feel anger. This world and all that is wrong will one day come to an end. So how do we live in this world and not be easily provoked, irritated, or angered? It takes love, His love which is merciful and forgiving. Think about all that He suffered for our sakes while on this earth and why He did it. It helps you look at any situation with new eyes. His love covers a multitude of sins. Live in His love, and love your enemies and you will not be as easily angered as you were before you received His love. As his love grows in us and we begin to see through His eyes we begin to see those who have harmed us for who they are. People who themselves are hurting and lost. Who have been wounded by abuse, neglect, rejection and hatred to name a few things. Then compassion takes place of resentment and anger. Forgiveness and mercy takes place of bitterness and resentment. Love takes place of hate. Love always wins because Jesus is love. We should not ignore the things that anger or upset us, because pretending will not make the problem go away. Deal with the problem using God’s love and His Word to guide you.

I updated lesson January 7, 2017

Giving Thanks December 29, 2016 – Thankful for God’s Promises

When God speaks you can believe in what He says. For Jesus is the Truth, the Life, and The Way. Jesus is also the Word made flesh. God spoke the world into being and formed man out of the dust of the earth and breathed life into him. Unlike the people who come and go in our lives, God is alway there. When He makes a promise He keeps it. You can trust Him.

Joshua 23:14  “Now behold, today I am going the way of all the earth, and you know in all your hearts and in all your souls that not one word of all the good words which the LORD your God spoke concerning you has failed; all have been fulfilled for you, not one of them has failed.

1 John 2:25  This is the promise which He Himself made to us: eternal life.
Luke 18:27  But He said, “The things that are impossible with people are possible with God.”

Isaiah 26:3  “The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace, Because he trusts in You.

Jeremiah 30:17  ‘For I will restore you to health And I will heal you of your wounds,’ declares the LORD, ‘Because they have called you an outcast, saying: “It is Zion; no one cares for her.”‘
Psalm 91:4-6  He will cover you with His pinions, And under His wings you may seek refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark. You will not be afraid of the terror by night, Or of the arrow that flies by day; Of the pestilence that stalks in darkness, Or of the destruction that lays waste at noon.
John 5:28-29  “Do not marvel at this; for an hour is coming, in which all who are in the tombs will hear His voice, and will come forth; those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life, those who committed the evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment.

John 14:2-3  “In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. “If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.
Revelation 21:4  and He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away.”
I have been hurt, betrayed, rejected, abused, and abandoned but none of this matters in comparison to what God has done for me through His Son and my Savior Jesus. AS many times as people in my life have broken my trust, He is the One whom I can trust in all things. His promises He will keep and I am thankful for His promises.
Definition of promise

promised / promising

  1. transitive verb
  2. 1:  to pledge to do, bring about, or provide <promise aid>
  3. archaic :  warrant, assure
  4. chiefly dialect :  betroth
  5. 4:  to suggest beforehand :  give promise of <dark clouds promise rain>
  6. intransitive verb
  7. 1:  to make a promise
  8. 2:  to give ground for expectation :  be imminent

promise Synonyms –  covenant, pledge, swear, vow, give one’s word



  1. What provision has God made for you that you are thankful for?
  2. Did you trust God for this provision?
  3. Have you share with anyone what God has done for you?


Giving Thanks December 28, 2016 – Thankful for grace

Ephesians 2:8 – For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

I am thankful for the grace of God. For it is God who sanctifies me through the blood of Jesus, who gave His life to save me.

Romans 3:24 – Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:

Definition of grace

  1. 1a :  unmerited divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification b :  a virtue coming from God c :  a state of sanctification enjoyed through divine grace

  2. 2a :  approval, favor <stayed in his good graces>b archaic :  mercy, pardonc :  a special favor :  privilege <each in his place, by right, not grace, shall rule his heritage — Rudyard Kipling>d :  disposition to or an act or instance of kindness, courtesy, or clemencye :  a temporary exemption :  reprieve

  3. 3a :  a charming or attractive trait or characteristicb :  a pleasing appearance or effect :  charm <all the grace of youth — John Buchan>c :  ease and suppleness of movement or bearing

Giving Thanks December 27, 2016 – Thankful That God Is Always There

3 doves.JPG

The other day I wrote a post about walking out my back door and seeing the tree behind my apartment filled with almost a dozen doves of course when I went to get my camera only one remained and I was able to take a picture of this one bird. Today when I went out my back door there were three doves and this time not one flew away. It was difficult to take their picture through the bare branches but they stayed.


As I took these pictures I thought about God always being there. He is faithful and I can trust in Him. I just have to look up and I can see Him.

3 doves 2.JPG

Today I am thankful that I cant trust God to always be there. Even when the day is gray and gloomy I have hope.

Deuteronomy 7:9 – Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;

2 Timothy 2:13 – If we believe not, [yet] he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself.

2 Thessalonians 3:3 – But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep [you] from evil.

Matthew 24:35 – Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

Lamentations 3:23 – They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


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1. Adhering firmly and devotedly, as to a person, cause, or idea; loyal.
2. Engaging in sex only with one’s spouse or only with one’s partner in a sexual relationship.


a. Responsible; conscientious: the faithful discharge of his duties.
b. Dependable; reliable: The faithful engine started right up.
4. Consistent with truth or actuality: a faithful reproduction of the portrait.
5. Having or full of faith.


1. The practicing members of a religious faith, especially of Christianity or Islam: a pilgrimage to Mecca made by thefaithful.
2. The steadfast adherents of a faith or cause: a meeting of the party faithful.

faith′ful·ly adv.
faith′ful·ness n.
Synonyms: faithful, loyal, true, constant, steadfast, staunch1
These adjectives mean adhering firmly and devotedly to someone or something that elicits or demands one’s fidelity.Faithful and loyal both suggest undeviating attachment, though loyal applies more often to political allegiance: afaithful employee; a loyal citizen. True implies steadiness, sincerity, and reliability: remained true to her innermostbeliefs. Constant stresses uniformity and invariability: “But I am constant as the northern star” (Shakespeare).
Steadfast implies fixed, unswerving loyalty: a steadfast ally. Staunch even more strongly suggests unshakableattachment or allegiance: a staunch supporter of the cause.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



1. having faith; remaining true, constant, or loyal
2. maintaining sexual loyalty to one’s lover or spouse
3. consistently reliable: a faithful worker.
4. reliable or truthful: a faithful source.
5. accurate in detail: a faithful translation.


6. (Ecclesiastical Terms) the believers in and loyal adherents of a religious faith, esp Christianity
7. any group of loyal and steadfast followers
ˈfaithfully adv
ˈfaithfulness n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. steady in allegiance or affection; loyal: faithful friends.
2. reliable, trusted, or believed: faithful assurances of help.
3. adhering or true to fact, a standard, or an original; accurate: a faithful copy.
4. strict or thorough in the performance of duty: a faithful worker.
5. Obs. full of faith; believing.


6. the faithful,

a. the believers in a faith, esp. the members of a Christian church or the adherents of Islam.
b. the body of loyal members of any party or group.
faith′ful•ly, adv.
faith′ful•ness, n.
syn: faithful, constant, loyal imply qualities of stability, dependability, and devotion. faithful implies enduring fidelityto what one is bound to by a pledge, duty, or obligation: a faithful friend. constant suggests lack of change inaffections or loyalties: a constant companion through thick and thin. loyal implies firm support and defense of aperson, cause, institution, or idea considered to be worthy: a loyal citizen.
Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

Are you thankful?

Photography by Julie Sheppard

Giving Thanks December 26, 2016 – Thankful For Salvation

Romans 1:16 “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.”

2 Corinthians 5:21 “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”

Acts 4:12 “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”

Art and poetry  by Julie Sheppard

Today and everyday I am thankful for the gift of salvation. It is a gift given by our Heavenly Father through His Son and our Savior Jesus. There was nothing that I could do to earn this gift. It is a gift given in love and all you have to do is receive it by receiving Jesus. Thank You Jesus for being the perfect gift, I would be lost without you.

Acts 16:30b-31 “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” So they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.”

 salvation  (săl-vā′shən)  n.

1.  a. Preservation or deliverance from destruction, difficulty, or evil.

b. A source, means, or cause of such preservation or deliverance.
2. Theology

a. Deliverance from the power or penalty of sin; redemption.
b. In religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism, deliverance from the cycle of rebirth and suffering.
c. The agent or means that brings about such deliverance.

[Middle English savacioun, from Old French sauvacion, from Late Latin salvātiō, salvātiōn-, from salvātus, past participle ofsalvāre, to save; see salvage.]

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.