Questions for the day / February 26, 2019

Asking Questions You Have The Answer To.   

When you were a kid did you ever answer your parents not completely truthfully because you did not think they knew the answer? I am sure a lot of us did. Why would they ask us a question if they already knew the answer? That would be pointless, right?

This makes me think when Jesus asked Peter, “Do you love me?” He asked a second time, “Peter, do you love me?” I am sure Peter was confused and he answered yes both times. We know that Jesus knew the answer before He asked the question. So for whose benefit was the question? Sometimes the one asking the question is not looking for an answer but is trying to teach you something.

Teaching by asking a question makes you think about your answer and if you do not have an answer then you take time and put the effort into finding the answer. I will sometimes ask a question that I have my own answer, but I want to know what the other is thinking. I want their perspective and opinion. I have plenty of my own opinions and I have eyes that see good enough, but I like learning. I like seeing things through another’s eyes. How about you? Do you like learning and seeing new things? Then ask questions that you already have your own answers to. Some will give you the answers that agree with your own and others may give you a new way of seeing things. Asking questions helps us to get to know one another. There are things we will not know if we do not ask the question. So are there any questions you want to ask me?

Question for today / February 25, 2019

I know there are a lot of parents out there so you will understand this question, but you do not have to have kids to answer it.
Does it bother you when you ask your child a question and they ignore you, or their response is uhuh?
I know my parents really did not like it if I did not respond to their questions, It did not matter if I did not hear them or if I just wasn’t paying attention. If I was asked to do something, the correct response was, ‘Yes sir or yes mam’. Then I did what I was told to do even if it was said in the form of a question. If I was being asked a question that required more than a yes or no, I better have had a complete sentence to answer with, especially if it was my father asking the question.
I wonder how many of us answer God in the same way our children respond to us?
Do we not hear Him because we are to distracted?
Are just ignoring Him, in hopes He will ask someone else to do what He is asking?
Do we mumble or give short answers, then put off what we have been asked to do?
I am going to have to take a good long look at myself and answer these questions as well. So read this again later because you will see my answers after I have gone through a self check myself.

Pray, pray, pray again

Mustard Seed Budget

  • How do I pray?
  • Bible prayers
  • Faith and perseverance

Or is it “try, try, try again?”

What if Lincoln had given up? What if Lincoln had given up?

My heart goes out to atheists, agnostics and struggling Christians whose experience with prayer has been negative. Typically, they gave it a try, and nothing happened. No answer. Just silence.

I wish to gently suggest that in many cases, nothing went wrong. You just need to keep praying. The Bible talks directly and indirectly about persevering in prayer.

From Exchangewisdom From Exchangewisdom

Now, if your loved one passed on, I don’t want to sound trite. I want to give you a hug. I don’t know why prayers “didn’t work.” The Bible says that God knows what He’s doing. Many times what we want doesn’t correspond to what He wants. Forgive me if this “answer” doesn’t “answer” your legitimate hurts. I am not criticizing or making fun of your efforts or…

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Question of the day / February 24, 2019

I have a few questions for you and I hope that you will answer with your honest opinion.

Are laws and commands the same?

If you disobey a command does that mean you have broken a law?

If you have broken a law have you broken a command?


Really makes you think doesn’t it?  Jesus fulfilled the law when He was crucified. I have been told it no longer exists because of this. So then why are the Commandments important? Jesus did say if you love Me, you will keep my commands.  I have been thinking about this a lot lately and would really like to hear from others. So this post is not for me to share my opinions or point of view, but to see and listen to what others have to share.
So I hope that you will take the time and share your insights with the rest of us.
I am truly looking forward to what you have to say. So please leave your answers in the comments.

Thought for the day February 24, 2019 / All For One And One For All

All for one and one for all! A phrase you have heard, especially if you have ever read or seen any movie on the Three Musketeers. For what ever reason today the phrase came to me and made me think of Christ Jesus, God who is our Heavenly Father, and the Holy Spirit.

The three are one, all though they are separate beings. You cannot get to the Father except through the Son and vice versa. They are One. All for one is taking on a new way of seeing. For though they are all one and they are also one for all. Who is all? We are the all, for we are all of mankind.

God the Father did not send His Son to redeem men of one race or breeding, of one class, of one country, of even one religion. Jesus did not die for religious purposes. He died paying for the sins of every person who would ever live on this earth. Why because He loves us,and Our Father loves us. It was for love that He died. ‘For there is no greater love, than for one to lay down his life for another.

All you have to do to receive this gift is to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior.  The Helper he sent was His Holy Spirit, and it is available to anyone who receives Jesus they have received His Spirit, and if you have received Jesus, you have received the Father. All for one and one for all.

In the story of the Musketeers, they made a choice to serve and fight for what they believed in. What do you believe?

Just a Thought.

Men, Here Are 5 Areas You Must Grow As Husbands


Like most things in life, marriages are not static. It may feel like there are times when we settle into comfortable seasons, but marriages aren’t like McDonalds’ chicken nuggets. If we ignore them for a week, they will not look the same when we come back.

Every marriage is growing stronger or weakening…
Image result for Men, Here Are 5 Areas You Must Grow As Husbands
There is no exception. Marriages grow because the husband and wife are growing. Our marriages don’t exist in some strange limbo where they aren’t affected by our character, spiritual growth, and emotional maturity.
1. Husbands Must Grow in Their Walk with Jesus 
A man’s walk with King Jesus sets the direction for everything else in his life. It does not guarantee that you will have a great marriage, but it will be the foundation upon which all of your growth will be built. When you have a growing walk with Jesus, you will be actively putting to…

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Types of women Christian men Should Marry


  1. The Believing WomanImage result for godly wife

“Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain,
    but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” (Prov. 31:30)

The first requirement on a Christian man’s ‘wife list’ should be her allegiance to Jesus Christ. A woman whose heart is surrendered to God is the only kind of woman to whom a Christian man can be fully united, because there is no fellowship between light and darkness (2 Cor. 6:14). For a Christian man to marry an unbelieving woman (or vice versa) is to put God in second-place to the priority of a human relationship. While we are to have compassion on unbelievers (Col. 4:5-6) we are not to form intimate relationships with them at the risk of being unequally yoked (2 Cor. 6). The unequal yoking may not seem like an issue at first, but with time, the consequences of this decision can be drastic…

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Thoughts on short story series ‘Is it only in my mind?’

I am not sure how this story came to me, but I do believe it was inspired by the Spirit.  It makes no mention of Jesus, God or the Holy Spirit, but you can see them if you read carefully. The man who is speaking had a Jewish accent in my mind. The story is one that should hopefully get the reader to open up their mind and see not with human eyes but with spiritual ones. The second chapter is based on a dream that had tormented me when it first came to me when I was pregnant with my first child. Back then I thought it was a nightmare. It was so vivid, and repeated so many times that I hated to sleep. Afraid I would be taken back to it. It was not until years later that God had revealed to me that it was not to cause me fear but to show me that even though there are those who seek to harm me that I would not be destroyed. It was only recently that the revelation of what the fire circled around me meant. It is a hedge of protection that kept the enemy from taking my life. The story is for both believers and nonbelievers. A way to get past barriers that keep us from knowing Jesus. The man who is speaking can be called a teacher, a shepherd and a friend. Our battle is not one of flesh, but is spiritual. I hope this story has inspired you. I

Is it only in my mind? The friend chapter 4

Well it seems I have another chapter to add to my little short story.  I have not written much fictional work, but I am enjoying this journey and I hope you are enjoying the story as well.

Is it only in my mind? The friend /Chapter 4
Julie Sheppard

Glad you could come over today. I know it has been a while. No, I had not forgotten about you. I just got busy and I met somebody. No! It is not what you are thinking. No romantic connection, but they are a friend now. We met at the park. To be honest, I thought they were a bit odd. Nutty, but harmless. When they called out to me and asked me to sit with them, I was going to just pass them by. Then I saw their eyes, and something made me sit and listen.

First they told me that if I would give them a moment of my time and answer a few questions they would take me to a place very few have seen. I did not believe they would actually take me anywhere. You know that I would not go somewhere with anyone I did not know.As strange as this person seemed, something about them made me feel comfortable and want to spend time and find out what they had to say. So they asked me some questions that were not really strange but seemed strange at the time. I don’t know why, but I answered each one. They thanked me for my time and told me if I wanted to talk more, that I could find them there at the park or across the street at the cafe.

I am not sure why, but a couple of days later I to the cafe. We sat drinking coffee and talking. I actually listened to what they had to say.Then the next thing I knew we were taking a trip. No where really, but somehow while talking it was like being transported to another time and place. No, it was not some out-of-body experience and I have not started using any drugs and I was not drunk. It was real. It was scary at first, but being there with them made me feel safe. It was like knowing you are in a dream and nothing can hurt you, no matter what was happening.

I know that you think that I have gone crazy, but I haven’t. I am not having a mental breakdown, doing drugs or drinking. This person is not some con-artist trying to take advantage of me, or trying to sell me snake oil. In the short time I have known them we have become good friends. I know that I can trust them.

I know that you are worried about me and don’t want for anyone to hurt me. I am thankful that you are such a good friend. You do not have to worry though, and they will never take your place in my life. I would actually like for you to meet them. They took me to meet a friend of theirs and I hope they will take you to meet him too. You will like him. He too has become a friend of mine.

Meeting these people has changed me in a very good way. They have that effect on people that is hard to put into words. Just meeting them will change your world. They helped me with things I did not know I needed help with. I am feeling so much better since I met them.

   I am going to see them later today, would you like to go with me?



I’ve written about our country being broken for the past couple years on Presidents Day.  I’ve been witness to breaking up of families through divorce.  Through my life, I’ve been broken by loss of a loved one – bad choices – sins that continually haunt me.  I’ve also seen division occur when minds have differences of opinion – friendships are broken because of it – lives change as a result.  When something is cracked, do we abandon it?  Do we walk away, because we don’t want to pick up the pieces and go through the tedious job of putting them back together again?

Last week I accidentally bumped a treasured porcelain figurine and broke it. This little piece of art had survived all these years without a crack. I glued it back together again, but will it last? Will the mending outlast time?  Probably not.  Still for a while, it will be fine and…

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