The Rabbit And The Lamb written by Julie Sheppard

I wrote this children’s story some years back while I was volunteering at our local library. On that day I was working in the children’s section. I was looking through the holiday books for children and noticed that there were a number of stories and craft projects about rabbits, but after looking through all of the books I only found two crafts for lambs and they were not that great. This got me thinking. Easter is the holiday where we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the lamb of God. Yet we use rabbits to celebrate this day. This story came to me as I sat in the isle of children’s books that brings us back to The Lamb of God. I hope that you will enjoy reading it and maybe sharing the story with the children in your life.

The Rabbit and the Lamb
Julie Ann Sheppard

Lamb was sad as he watched the children gather the colorful eggs in their baskets. He saw how much fun they were having and wanted to play with them.
They chased Rabbit and looked for more eggs. Lamb sat alone while the children ignored him. Shepherd saw that Lamb was all alone, and that he was not happy.
He sat on the grass next to Lamb and asked, “What is wrong?” Lamb just watched the children as they played and sighed.
“They won’t play with me.” Lamb said to Shepherd. “They only want to look for the colorful eggs and to run after Rabbit. I am here alone with no one to play with.”
Sheppard said to Lamb, “You are not alone. I am here with you. I saw you here and that you looked sad. What can I do to make you happy?”
“Shepherd, why do they like Rabbit and the eggs more than me?” Lamb asked. “The children used to play with me, but today they ignore me.”
“It is not that they like them more than you, they have just forgotten.” Shepherd replied.
“Did they forget me?” Lamb looked up at Shepherd.
“No they have not forgotten you.” Shepherd replied.
“What have they forgotten?” asked Lamb.
“They have forgotten what today is.” Shepherd said with a tear in His eyes.
“What is today?” Lamb asked.
“Today is a very special day. The eggs are pretty and Rabbit is fun and they are all part of Father’s creation, but today is a day to celebrate what Father gave so that they could live.” Shepherd spoke as he watched the children play.
Lamb came closer to Shepherd and rested his head on Shepherd’s lap. “Father created us so didn’t He give us life then?” He asked.

“Let me tell you the story from the beginning.” Shepherd said. “Father created the earth where we live and heaven. He also created animals and man. The first man was called Adam and his wife was called Eve. They lived in a special Garden where Father would visit them often. He told them what they could do, and what they were not allowed to do to keep them safe. They did not listen to what Father had told them not to do, and this is called sin. So they had to leave the special garden where they had lived. Father still loved them so He told them one day He would send His Son. His Son would pay the price for all the wrong that people do. He would forgive us of all of our sins by giving His life for us. Then He would go back to Father and make us a new place to one day live with Him.” Shepherd sighed.

“What does today have to do with what you have told me?” Lamb still did not understand.

“Do you remember the story about Moses and how Father freed the Hebrews’ from being slaves in Egypt?” He patted Lamb on his head.

“I remember that story!” Lamb bounced up. “Before Pharaoh let them go, Father did many things so Pharaoh would free them. The last thing God told Moses to do was to have the Hebrews’ take blood from a lamb and put it on their door posts.”

Shepherd was happy with Lamb and smiled. “You are right my little friend. They had to put the blood on the doorposts, so that the firstborn sons would live when the Angel passed over. This let the Angel know that this family belonged to Father.”

“I remember that!” Lamb then asked, “But what does that have to do with today?”

“You ask a good question. You see Father’s Son Jesus is also known as the Lamb of God. Like the lambs blood in Egypt saved the Hebrew slaves and freed them, the blood of Jesus is what frees us today from being slaves to sin.” Shepherd stood up and looked up at the sky. “On this day many years ago is the day Jesus rose from the grave. When He did this, the blood and life He gave, set us free and gave to each of us who receive Him everlasting life. No longer did people need the blood of animals because Jesus gave us His.”

Lamb put his head down, and was sad again. Shepherd lifted his head in his hand, and asked, “Why are you sad now?”

“Because they do not know what you have told me.” Lamb said looking at the children playing with Rabbit.

“Do not be sad my little friend. It is now your turn to share with them what I have given to you.” Shepherd spoke in a kind voice.

Lamb looked away, “But they won’t listen to me. They haven’t even looked at me today. I am nobody.”

Shepherd stroked Lamb’s wool and said, “You are somebody very special. I love you, and Jesus loves you. Do not be afraid, you are not alone. I will go with you, and you will share this love and they will hear the words you will speak. Then they will remember, and share what you have given to them with others. Then one day when everyone has heard this good news, Father will send Jesus back to take us all home.
Lamb was happy and ran to the children and Rabbit to share what Shepherd had taught him.

Thoughts on short story series ‘Is it only in my mind?’

I am not sure how this story came to me, but I do believe it was inspired by the Spirit.  It makes no mention of Jesus, God or the Holy Spirit, but you can see them if you read carefully. The man who is speaking had a Jewish accent in my mind. The story is one that should hopefully get the reader to open up their mind and see not with human eyes but with spiritual ones. The second chapter is based on a dream that had tormented me when it first came to me when I was pregnant with my first child. Back then I thought it was a nightmare. It was so vivid, and repeated so many times that I hated to sleep. Afraid I would be taken back to it. It was not until years later that God had revealed to me that it was not to cause me fear but to show me that even though there are those who seek to harm me that I would not be destroyed. It was only recently that the revelation of what the fire circled around me meant. It is a hedge of protection that kept the enemy from taking my life. The story is for both believers and nonbelievers. A way to get past barriers that keep us from knowing Jesus. The man who is speaking can be called a teacher, a shepherd and a friend. Our battle is not one of flesh, but is spiritual. I hope this story has inspired you. I

Is it only in my mind? The friend chapter 4

Well it seems I have another chapter to add to my little short story.  I have not written much fictional work, but I am enjoying this journey and I hope you are enjoying the story as well.

Is it only in my mind? The friend /Chapter 4
Julie Sheppard

Glad you could come over today. I know it has been a while. No, I had not forgotten about you. I just got busy and I met somebody. No! It is not what you are thinking. No romantic connection, but they are a friend now. We met at the park. To be honest, I thought they were a bit odd. Nutty, but harmless. When they called out to me and asked me to sit with them, I was going to just pass them by. Then I saw their eyes, and something made me sit and listen.

First they told me that if I would give them a moment of my time and answer a few questions they would take me to a place very few have seen. I did not believe they would actually take me anywhere. You know that I would not go somewhere with anyone I did not know.As strange as this person seemed, something about them made me feel comfortable and want to spend time and find out what they had to say. So they asked me some questions that were not really strange but seemed strange at the time. I don’t know why, but I answered each one. They thanked me for my time and told me if I wanted to talk more, that I could find them there at the park or across the street at the cafe.

I am not sure why, but a couple of days later I to the cafe. We sat drinking coffee and talking. I actually listened to what they had to say.Then the next thing I knew we were taking a trip. No where really, but somehow while talking it was like being transported to another time and place. No, it was not some out-of-body experience and I have not started using any drugs and I was not drunk. It was real. It was scary at first, but being there with them made me feel safe. It was like knowing you are in a dream and nothing can hurt you, no matter what was happening.

I know that you think that I have gone crazy, but I haven’t. I am not having a mental breakdown, doing drugs or drinking. This person is not some con-artist trying to take advantage of me, or trying to sell me snake oil. In the short time I have known them we have become good friends. I know that I can trust them.

I know that you are worried about me and don’t want for anyone to hurt me. I am thankful that you are such a good friend. You do not have to worry though, and they will never take your place in my life. I would actually like for you to meet them. They took me to meet a friend of theirs and I hope they will take you to meet him too. You will like him. He too has become a friend of mine.

Meeting these people has changed me in a very good way. They have that effect on people that is hard to put into words. Just meeting them will change your world. They helped me with things I did not know I needed help with. I am feeling so much better since I met them.

   I am going to see them later today, would you like to go with me?

Is it only in my mind? On a hill / The story continues

Is it only in My Mind? On a hill chapter 3
Julie Sheppard

There you are, my friend. I am glad you wanted to see me again. The last time we were together was not pleasant for you. Ah, but now you are like David who destroyed his giant with a slingshot and a stone. You look good today. You no longer look as you are carrying the weight of the world. Is that a smile I see on your face? I amuse you, don’t I?
The sun is bright and not a cloud in the sky today. I love the sound of children laughing as they play. Everyone is out and enjoying this beautiful day. Do you see that boy sitting over there? He does not look like he is having any fun, sitting alone. Wait! He has a friend and they brought him an ice cream cone, how sweet. His day has just gotten better. It does not take much to make a little one’s day better. A friend and something sweet, and all is better.
I am enjoying our new-found friendship. You are no longer a skeptic. I can see in your eyes that you are opening up to so many new possibilities. So shall we just sit here and maybe feed the ducks? No? You are ready for another journey. Well then my dear friend let us take a walk. We will go to a place that is more peaceful than the last. It is where I became friends with a very special and dear man He came up to me one day and took me there and showed me beauty I had not seen before.
Who is this man? He is a friend that has and never will let me down. One day he started talking to me and I wanted to listen to what he had to say. As we walked and talked I found that he had led me to this place. When I stopped to look at where we were, I see what you now see. Beautiful rolling hills surrounding that small pasture down below. You want to know more about my friend. Why did I stop to talk with him? I think it was his eyes. They are gentle and kind, but at the same time there was a fire in them I cannot explain. You could say I was like a moth drawn to the light, and this is the place he lead me to.
It may seem strange that a man I never knew before had just become the most important friend in my life. That is what happened though. I am not sure how long it took for us to walk to this place, but when we arrived our friendship was sealed. We have not gone a day since without talking. I share everything with him.
Yes, I did share with him about our last trip together. I hide nothing from him.He would like to meet you. He is over on the next hill sitting under that tree. You saw him already? Yes he watches his sheep carefully. He does not take his eyes off of them for a moment. He is both protector and provider. He is a good shepherd. He does not let harm come to his sheep. However, when one does wander off they do sometimes get hurt, but he goes after them and brings them home.
The first time I stood on that hill over there with him, we looked over this little valley, The sheep were below, and he pointed to them. Then he asked me to do something for him. No, he did not bring me here to make demands, and if I said no he would still love me. What he asked me to do had honored and humbled me all at once. He stood beside me with his arm around me and asked me to care for his sheep. He was telling me that he trusted me with the lives of those he cared for. We had only just met but he had known me long before we met. The person who I had been was not one I would trust, but there we stood together and he was giving me a chance of a lifetime. I could not say no, so I said yes. H now uses me to go after the ones who wander off and get lost. No man has ever honored me with more.
He is waiting for us, let us go to him now. He knows we are here, he just did not want to be rude and interrupt our conversation. he is truly looking forward to meeting you. i know that you have a lot of questions. He is the one with the answers. I will take you to him now.

Is it only in my mind? the story continues/ Facing the monsters

Continuing the story(fiction can be a lot of fun)

   You have come back my new friend. It is good to see you again. Would you like some coffee? I have been enjoying watching the clouds and all their wonderful shapes. Yes it is a little cold outside. I like this table. I can see so much when I sit here.  I am missing my park bench, but the coffee is hot and the aroma lifts my spirit.                                                   Well since you have come back I am sure that you would like to talk about more than coffee and how it smells. I know I should probably share a memory of one of my journeys that was more enjoyable, but talking about smells has reminded me of a specific scent though. Unfortunately it is not as pleasant as the smell of this coffee. It does however take me to a place that I once thought I would like to forget, but now I am glad that I can remember. If it was unpleasant why is it good that I remember it? I will tell you about the place and the events that took place. I hope that you do not think I am trying to scare you with this story, but if you are willing to listen, I will tell you how it is not one of horror but of victory.
Where shall I begin? I love the smell of gardenia flower. Their fragrance would come to me at times when I could not see any flowers around me, but I could smell them as if they were right in front of my nose. On that day it was not the sweet scent of this flower that had hit my nostrils. It was so strong I could almost taste it. The metallic scent of blood flooded me, and in an instant I found myself in a ring of fire. I was covered in blood and they hid themselves in the flames as they struck me with their blades.
Who were my attackers? To be honest they stayed well hidden but their blows did make contact. The flames were high but they did not close in on me, and I did not feel more than the heat of the fire. In my own hand was a sword that even covered in the blood of my attackers held a silver shine. Surrounded and unable to see my attackers, I could only see their blades as they cut me. The strange thing was that even though most of my body was being cut, I was able to stand and not grow weak.
I struck at the flames with my own blade and it made contact. I could hear them fall one by one as the screamed with their last breath. The fire seemed to be a wall of protection, because even though their weapons made it through the monsters were kept behind it. They could not reach me. I fought with all of the strength I had. Wondering where it had come from. Then standing in the middle of the ring of fire I took one last swing with my sword holding my head high, I let out a scream. It was over, and I was still standing. The monsters were dead and consumed by the fire.
The blood I had been covered in was gone. Only scars remained. Scars seem ugly to those who do not know how they were etched into ones body. To me they are badges of victory. I like to call mine beauty marks. Yes I may be strange, but I like I how I see things.
This place that I had traveled to, invited by a scent I did not like, had a purpose. I asked you in our last meeting if you had monsters you needed to destroy. Well now you know why I asked that question. There are places we must go that are not pleasant and causes us pain. That place or places can make us stronger and can take us to a better place if we will take a stand and not become discouraged, even when under attack.
You see that attack was meant to scare me off of my journey. Yes the monsters wanted to take my life, but all they could do was swing their blades at me. They could not take my life, because I would not give it to them and the fire protected me as a shield.
You look a little pale my friend. Is it because you do not believe me, or is it because my memory has terrified you? Let me show you my arm. The scar beneath the inside of my elbow has grown faint with time and can barely be seen unless you are looking for it. You can feel it if you want to. Oh, I forgot about that scar. Yes it is where a blade hot from the fire struck me, or should I say pierced me. It was actually on my hand between my thumb and forefinger when it happened. I have grown since then and this scar marks my growth as it travels up my arm, which is now upon my wrist.
I did not just survive that day. Through blood and fire I was delivered from my enemies. The monsters who wanted me dead are now dead themselves. That was a good journey and it took me from a place you could call hell and gave me a better life. It is a memory I am now happy to look back upon.
I think the look I see upon your face is one of fear. You do have monsters who are tormenting you. You are afraid to fight them alone. I will go with you, do not be afraid. You too will slay them and find a much better place. No, we do not have to go there right now, but we should go soon. For now drink your coffee. Would you like some pie?


Is it only in my mind? Short story

Trying my hand at some fictional work.

   Hi there. I know you do not know me, but I wonder if you could take a moment and answer a few questions. Why? Well, depending on your answers I would like to take you to a place not many have seen.
Yes. Please have a seat. It is a beautiful day and I enjoy sitting outdoors where there is so much to see.
I appreciate you giving me some of your time, so I will get to the questions I have.

Do you see things as only black or white?
Does everything have to be in perfect order to make you happy?
Do you have to stick to a specific schedule?
If something happens that interrupts your routine, what do you do?
Do you like going on adventures?
Do you color in the lines?
How creative are you?
Do you ever do things at the spur of the moment?
What is your favorite color?
Have you ever taken a road trip for fun?
I know these questions are random, but they have you thinking. Now that you have kindly answered these questions it is time for me to tell you about that place. No it is not in some far off country that you can find on a map. It is also not on another planet. It is a place where the landscape changes in a blink of an eye. Where one moment it is day and in the next it is night. The sky can be your favorite color, and trees can grow out of the sea, or float in the air. You say this place cannot exist, but I say that it does. You say it is only in my mind. You doubt me and think that I am crazy, that is okay. I am sure you heard of a man named John, who went to a place that was not on this earth or in space. Do you recall what he wrote about where he went?
I am glad that you are still here. You are curious to know if this place can really exist. Are you ready to see this place for yourself? Close your eyes. Tell me now what do you see? Nothing but darkness? Reach out there is a door right in front of you. Open it. Can you see now?
How did I find this place? As a child I spent a lot of time reading books. I loved them. They were my escape. They took me places I had never been to. The words came to life and I found myself in new and wonderful places(Like the place John wrote about). Sometimes I would become afraid and I would run and hide. I would be so filled with fear but in those places I learned to face my fears. I could be as big as a giant and step on what had frightened me. I learned to fight and be courageous. I could choose my role. I could even be the bad guy if I wanted to be, but that was a character I chose to fight and not give into. I could walk through fire and not get burned. I swam in stormy waters and did not drown or run out of breath.
Books opened the door to this place. They opened my mind to see beyond what was in front of me. I learned to see what others could not. Now I do not even have to close my eyes, and I can be anywhere I allow my mind to take me. I am no longer limited by the physical world around me. For not only is my battle one that is not of flesh and blood, but the wonders and beauty of life are not limited by the physical things around me.
You can now journey to this wondrous place that has no limits. Are there monsters that you need to destroy? Are there places that bring you peace and joy? Is there an adventure you have been wanting to take? Do you want to go to a place that you can only imagine?  Then join me, or take a journey that is all your own.
If you would like, I could share with you some of my experiences in this place, if that would help you decide. You have somewhere you have to be right now, but still want to hear more. I would be happy to meet with you again. You can find me here most days. I enjoy this bench, because I can see so much of this beautiful park.  If the weather is rainy, you can find  me at that cafe across the street.  I am looking forward to sharing more with you.

Until next time.