Persistent Prayer Reveals Your Faith

Spiritual Minefield

1 Then Jesus told them a parable about their need to pray at all times and not lose heart…8 I tell you, He will promptly carry out justice on their behalf. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?”

-Luke 18:1, 8, BSB

Prayer is an essential element in the process of a believer’s growth in the Lord. In verse 8, prayer reflects one’s faith or the strength of it. Jesus connects prayer to the level of your trust in Him when you read the context that’s between verses 1 and 8.

Jesus talks about a widow who went to an unjust judge for justice who didn’t care about God or people, but because the widow kept coming to him, he saw that she was going to wear him out. He decides to give her the justice that she sought. Jesus then said, won’t…

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Witchcraft; Guard Yourself

GOoD Days

Wow there have been so many spiritual attacks throughout my life and now more than ever and I was going to just go on living my life without knowing there was more to it than what I thought. There’s people in my life that have tried witchcraft upon my life and my family. But the God I serve revealed it all to me. Glory to Yeshua. Hallelujah! People are so miserable, selfish and jealous that they would try to tie someone down in the spiritual world. They know if they can do it in the spiritual realm it will come into reality in the natural realm. Sometimes you think nothing in your life can go right or why you are not prospering or why you can’t keep a relationship but there are spirits trying to stop you from advancing and reaching your destiny. The sad part is that it is…

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Jesus Prays

Life Project Blog

John 17

This is the longest recorded prayer of Jesus in the entire New Testament.  Jesus is clearly one who prays a great deal, and we can gain a great deal of insight into prayer in this chapter.  For the purpose of these notes, I will attempt to resist the temptation to engage in theological discussion or analysis of what the prayer consists of or what this or that “means” from a theological point of view, instead I hope to focus more on what we can learn about prayer itself.  A good point of beginning is to take notice of Jesus’ posture as He prays; note that He is not sitting quietly with bowed head and closed eyes but rather is looking heavenward with eyes wide open.  In fact, He is most likely standing with the disciples, and if you take note of His language, it might seem that He…

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Agree to Disagree / A thought for the moment, Oct. 28, 2020

Agree to Disagree / A thought for the moment, Oct. 28, 2020

With all that is going on in our world, there is much hatred and fighting that nothing is really getting done. I am thinking about 1 Corinthians 13, the chapter of ‘Love’, and how one of the things listed on love, is that Love does not demand it’s own way.

There is a lot of yelling and screaming but nothing is being heard because of all of the noise. I see a world filled with a bunch of children throwing temper tantrums. Basically saying I want what I want, and you are going to give it to me! A good parent would not reward their child by giving into their child’s tantrums. They would discipline their child. Wrong behavior should not be rewarded. Just because you do not agree with the other does not mean that you can bully your way into getting what you want.

There is no true winner in any fight. Both parties get hurt one way or another. Listen to what each other is saying even if you do not agree on what is being said. I can hear a person yelling at me, but that does not mean that I am going to listen to what they have to say because they have screamed their demands at me. I am sorry I am not a soldier and you are not my drill sergeant where I have to do what you yell at me. I am a person who has free will to think for myself and just because I do not agree with you does not give you the right to yell or scream your demands at me. There is a saying you attract more flies with honey than vinegar. You have the right to have your own thoughts and desires, but you nor I have the right to make you think or do as I do. Fighting will never accomplish anything. Sometimes you have to agree to disagree.

I can respect you without having to agree with you. Respect does not mean I even have to like you. It does mean I can exist without doing you harm. I can listen to what you have to say without being offended and raising my voice and slandering you for what you have to say. I should not demand that you agree with me, but show you the respect that will hopefully have you show me the same respect. Instead of getting angry because I do not like what you have said, understand that is your point of view and that I do not have to cuss at you or call you names. Doing that will never get you to listen to me if I did, it would just lead to more fighting.

Jesus taught us to love our enemies. That does not mean we agree with them, but that we give them the love that He gave to us before we even knew Him. A love that none of us deserved. He gave His life to save us while we were His enemy. Through His sacrifice we were given grace, mercy, and salvation. Yet we withhold this grace and mercy from anyone we do not agree with. Forgetting that none of us are truly righteous and that we all sin and are far from perfect. Remember our ways, are not His, and our thoughts are not His thoughts. It is not our way of doing things that we should be seeking but His. He has so much better for us if we would only stop fighting, but listen to Him and love each other as Jesus has told us we should.

Well these are just my thoughts for the moment and you do not have to agree with me or even listen to me, but I pray that you open your hearts and ears to Him and listen to what He is saying.

God bless and keep you in His peace.




Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Author :Bishop Julius Okarike

Verse Of The Day :From the end of the earth will I cry unto you, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.Psalms 61:2

Thought of The Day : God gives peace to the troubled who comes to Him in faith.

LISTEN : Do you want to see God in your situation? Then, seek after Him. Pray to Him and never give up no matter what. God will attend to you when you wait on Him despite pressures and storms in your life (Isaiah 40:31). When the pressure of your life increases, prayer and faith in God will cause Him to calm your storm and subsequently calm your heart. My dear, no matter the pressure, always hold on to God. When you’re overwhelmed by troubles of life just take…

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“Greatness of God’s Power”

Morning Meds (Take 1 each Morning with all the Prayer You Need)

19 I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. – Ephesians 1:19 NLT 

Incredible Power

It is impossible for the human mind to grasp the power that is available to each of us through Jesus Christ our Lord. The power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead is the same power that assures us of our hope of eternal life. If our hearts were totally in sync with God’s heart that we might see through His eyes and hear through His ears, the difference we could make in this age would be immeasurable. This is the truth that Jesus wanted us to get hold of when He said:

12 Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the…

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Prayer Of Desperation

Pure Glory

by Hazel Straub

Daddy God, holy is your name, your love keeps me secure. Let me not grow lukewarm or indifferent to you. Only you. can satisfy my deep hunger and thirsty heart. Resting, in your glorious presence, satisfies my inmost being.  Today, I look to you for my satisfaction, intimacy and love, as I rest in you.

God—you’re my God!
I can’t get enough of you!
I’ve worked up such hunger and thirst for God,
traveling across dry and weary deserts.

So here I am in the place of worship, eyes open,
drinking in your strength and glory.
In your generous love I am really living at last!
My lips brim praises like fountains.
I bless you every time I take a breath;
My arms wave like banners of praise to you. (Psalm 63:1-4 MSG)

© Crown of Glory International Ministries. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without…

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If You Are in Trouble, God is Deliverance

The Fight of Faith

The Lord is my present help and salvation. Though we are troubled with poverty, shame, or any other affliction, God is our salvation and help. If you are in trouble, God is deliverance; if you are persecuted by malicious enemies, God is your castle. Who is a rock, except our God? I call upon the Lord and I am saved from my enemies. David after all his victories describe God to be his God, and his salvation – both for body and soul, for the present and time to come, with means, without means, and against all means.

What a comfort this is! He can command his creation to save and the devil himself to be a means to save us; and if there are no means for you to see, he can create means to do it in an instant. Thus God is our help, and what a ground…

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My maternal grandmother was the strongest woman I’ve ever known.  She had to bury five of her children, care for her husband who suffered two debilitating strokes and finally put him in the ground as well.  She always maintained a positive attitude even though her heart was breaking.

She grew up on the plains of Montana in a typical pioneering family.  They used buffalo chips to get a fire started, washed their clothes in a nearby stream, cut wood and worked hard for everything they had. Eventually she married a farmer, who hated farming.  Instead he would hire others to tend to the land and cows as he worked for the power company constructing lines that would carry electricity to the rural communities.  She never complained about having to feed seven children and a group of farm hands.  She’d rise at the crack of dawn, punch down and knead the bread dough…

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