Guest Post / The Journey of a Million Miles – Marijo

Just a small disclaimer before I proceed, this is not the cheeriest of posts ever, but I have my friends blessings and permission to share.  She believes, through her pain, perhaps a life can be saved.  I pray I can do her story justice.  I will try (to the best of my ability) and let God Himself convey the rest.

“In deciding upon my best course of action for my untimely demise, I discovered that I had never recovered from the tragedy fourteen years ago!”   My friend blasted, point blank.

Her statement caught me completely off guard, and I nearly spit my tea.  I think I sat wide-eyed, jaw agape for what seemed like an eternity.  My brain was a whirlpool.  As thoughts floated by, I grasped at what I could.

The need to tread lightly was imperative.

I could react, freak out, and think she was just as crazy as the other nuts.  I could try to talk her out of such nonsense.  Or, I could hear past my reactions to the truth of her statement.

First off, I knew she wasn’t crazy.  I had seen this lady in action.  She could pray the bark of a tree, for others.  She could hold the world on her shoulders, for others.  That was the key, for others.  Never for herself.  She could cheer the world with a smile, but never herself.  She wasn’t crazy, just deeply hurt.  I knew that.

Secondly, if I tried to reason with her, telling her how precious she was, how the absence of her presence would leave a gaping hole, she would not hear me.  My words would be last week’s garbage.  However, that was not the point of her statement.

Option three:  I could hear what my friend was saying to me.

Yes, she was talking about death, again.  But it was the second statement that held the weight.  Here was a woman who was beyond amazing, but tragedy had befallen her at her hands and she just could not move on.

I think part of the real tragedy was the fact she could not talk about it.

 I knew her well enough to know she was searching for a friend, some place she felt safe.  She needed someone she could trust.  Judgment was harsh, and she refused to put herself in that situation again.  She was far beyond reserved in these matters.

She tried previously.  Well-meaning people, she thought she could trust, always dashed away.  I felt her pain.  I didn’t even know if I had what it took to hear her out.  “God give me the strength I need to be a friend.  Give me the stamina to stay.  Give me wisdom when to speak and when to be silent.”  I prayed.

She sat there, across my kitchen table from me, eyes cutting directly into my soul daring me to speak.  This soul-cutting stare was her “can I trust you?” test.  My next words were not my own.

“You may be right,” I said.

“I’m caught in between my cave and the surface.  This is not a safe place for me.”  She said next.

Here was someone I trusted.  Someone I looked up to.  Someone I depended upon; our roles reversed.

Her “cave” was the walls beyond walls that she built to keep the world away from her heart.  Hurt had pierced her heart; those walls kept it just her and Jesus.

The “surface” as she called it, was when she glossed everything over, put on her smile, and held tight.  On the surface, she prayed for others, was an encourager to others, and felt as normal and happy as a sad person could.  No one was aware.  She kept it that way.  Jesus knew.

Being “caught in between” meant she felt trapped in some seriously real emotions that demanded attention that she could not give.  She fought for survival like a raccoon falsely accused in a trap.

“God, help!  What can I do?  I can barely manage my life let alone be a friend to such sadness.  What do I do?”  I prayed fervently.

This woman was MY prayer shield.  She had MY back at every turn.  I’m not half the prayer warrior she is.  Why couldn’t she just pray this one through on her own?  I’m cruel, honest, but harsh.

Here is where the big thought comes into play.

Who prays for the prayer warriors when they cannot pray for themselves?

Who lifts the arms of those who raise their arms in battle, especially when no one knows they struggle?

I’ve always viewed the prayer warriors as invincible.  I figured they never had issues.

“I need prayer.  Fighting down on your knees, sword in hand, ready to fight, type of prayer.”  She was drop-dead serious.

Here’s what I know–if the enemy, seeking to kill, steal, and destroy, can take away those who are willing to fight on behalf of others, he finds himself victorious.

Here’s the truth.  Even the strongest get wounded.  They get back up and continue fighting.  Those that keep standing up in battle have a huge target on their backs.  The enemy prefers them to stay down, wallow in self-pity, rolling in the muck of defeat.

Christ died to make us more than conquerors, overcomes in this life.

My friend has a long journey ahead of her.  This war is not against flesh and blood.  The path to healing is rough.  It will hurt.  Bad.  She’s a prayer warrior, though, and those called to pray are tough as nails.

Right now we are praying against the chains of fear that have her vocal chords strangled.  A spirit of fear is not an option!

He is our promise.

Guest Post / Andi Garcia – The Struggle Is Real

The Struggle is Real

So, if you haven’t noticed, I haven’t written much lately. I’ve been battling some things, demons, evil spirits, spirits of addiction, etc and so on. And yesterday I came to a head and just broke down and cried out and said to God, “I’m tired Lord, just tired, why does it have to always be me? Why do I have to be the strong one? It’s not fair, why, why, why?!?” Yup just have a regular tantrum with the Lord. After I was finishing being a crybaby, I thought to myself, He is probably saying right now, “if you only knew and understood why you wouldn’t be asking.” Either I thought that or He was telling me that. So this morning I always listen to sermon while getting ready for work. Today it was the 2nd part of a Dr. Jeffers sermon. As I pushed play I heard, ” you ask Him why? Why am I going through this? Why me? And the answer is because He’s God and because He can.” I laughed out loud because I knew that was Him sending me that message after my tantrum. Dr. Jeffers went on to say, “we think that God is being mean to us because we struggle or go through trials, but He’s preparing you, and He don’t want us to be a rare steak, or medium rare, He wants us to be well done! He will keep you in the fire until you are done and He’s ready to take you out of the fire!” And again I laughed because He got me again.

See my struggles are with my older son. I’ve been praying and rebuking these evil demon spirits of addiction who have gotten a hold of him. And sometimes I get tired but I know all I have to do is call on the Lord and use the divine powers He has given us to demolish these strongholds.

I’m asking all of you followers to please pray with me, for my son, that he be delivered from these strongholds of addiction. United in prayer and using what He gave us, we can crush those demon spirits! Amen? Amen!

Guest Post / Andi Garcia – Deliverer

Church service today well it was good. Actually, great as always. Something happened while I was praying during altar call. I don’t know how to explain it.

My friend and her husband are the worship leaders for the Spanish service. Today I went to that service not the English. Anyway, she’s singing Victor’s Crown..which is one of my faves. Anyway, the part where they say..everything high thing must come down, every stronghold can be broken…if you’re  familiar with the song..when she began to sing that part..I’m praying, eyes closed and suddenly I’m in a dark place but can still hear the music. I start to envision my older son chained to a large block and he’s trying to break free, I see myself step on the chains and then I feel something bigger than myself step on the chains too, my son is struggling, he breaks the chains and he pushes through these huge doors and he starts running for his life to catch up to us (me, my daughter and younger son) I then see myself turn around and push that door closed..heavy doors..I see a huge man in a white robe battling with the chains. This vision happens in mere emotional.for me, I didn’t realize I was crying. That’s never happened to me before. It was amazing, so much so I don’t know what to think.
I share this with my Lil big bro Carlos and I say, why? Why was I shown this? I sometimes still feel I’m not worthy of visions, messages, etc. Carlos says, “Andi when God wants to show you something He will do just that”. He knows I’ve been praying for my older son and said, “Maybe this was to show you that He will break your son free from bondage.”
Lately,  I’ve been sent messages through dreams so this one was shown to me when I was wide awake. I don’t doubt it, it just shook me.
I’ll say this again…you may believe me and some may not. I don’t have reason to lie or make this up. He hears us, speaks to us, shows us, and delivers us. Amen? AMEN!

Guest Post / Andi Garcia – Daughter of The King

Guest Post The Smells Of Christmas / Mike McInerney Ministries.

The Smells of Christmas
It’s Christmas time. One of the things that everyone experiences at this time of
year is the smells of Christmas. Cookies. Turkey or ham. Pumpkin pies.
Cinnamon. Pine trees.
I’ve been remembering smells lately. I found some candies recently that remind
me of my grandmother. She always smelled like those candies. I found the
perfume my mom wore. Standing there in the perfume aisle of a store I took a
whiff and was taken back in time to when she was still alive.
Aren’t scents powerful? Smells are powerful and God uses them.
Over 2000 years ago a young woman in her teens, a virgin, gave birth to a baby
and then placed him in a manger. We all know that true story. What was that like
for her? What did she and Joseph smell in that b arn?
I’ve been in a few barns…..the hay smells earthy and sweet. There is a musky,
dusty smell sometimes. Then there are smells that aren’t so lovely to most
people. Animal smells. Real life smells.
God the Father chose to bring Jesus into a place dominated by real life smells.
And this was how Jesus, Emmanuel, (God with us) was going to be in His 33
years on the earth: real.
Some time after His birth, we are told in Matthew 2 that wise men came to visit
Joseph and Mary with gifts for Jesus.
“And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with
Mary His mother, and fell down and worshiped Him. And when they had
opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense,
and myrrh.” (Matthew 2:11)
The Magi represented other nations worshipping Jesus. Someday everyone will
worship Jesus.
Speaking of Jesus, Paul says: “Therefore God also has highly exalted Him
and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of
Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth,
and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that
Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Philippians 2:9-11)
EVERY knee will bow; EVERY tongue will confess.

They gave gifts to Jesus. One is gold. Two are fragrances. Did you ever wonder
what these were for?
I believe there is a principle regarding God and His people that we should always
keep in mind: He ALWAYS provides what we need before we need it. He is a
pro-active and preparatory God. This is how the Creation unfolded: first dirt, then
light, then grass and then cows.
The gold was provided by God through the Magi to fund the first major road trip
Jesus ever took.
“Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to
Joseph in a dream, saying, ‘Arise, take the young Child and His mother,
flee to Egypt, and stay there until I bring you word; for Herod will seek the
young Child to destroy Him.’ When he arose, he took the young Child and
His mother by night and departed for Egypt, and was there until the death
of Herod, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through
the prophet, saying, ‘OUT OF EGYPT I CALLED MY SON.’”
(Matthew 2:13-15)
So here we have the King of the Universe born in a barn to a working class
family that lives in an out of the way place in the middle of nowhere and born
under the threat of death. So they flee. It doesn’t seem very victorious, does it?
(HIS victory would come 33 years later.)
The Magi gave them gold and this was most likely used to finance their trip to
Egypt, at least until Joseph could find work there for his family. What else did
they give? Frankincense and myrrh. Have you ever really looked into what
frankincense and myrrh are?
Frankincense is tapped from the scraggly but hardy trees by slashing the bark,
which is called striping, and allowing the exuded resin to bleed out and harden.
These hardened resins are called tears.
According to Holman’s Bible Dictionary, frankincense was an ingredient used in
making the perfume for the most holy place in the Tabernacle (Exodus 30:34)
and later in the Temple in Jerusalem. It was burned in the incense altar to
sweeten the odor of burnt up sacrifices.
That is sobering to me.
Myrrh is harvested in the way frankincense is: the bark (or flesh) of a tree is cut
open and the resin that bleeds out is collected. It has no scent. Then it is dried. It
still has no smell; however, when myrrh is crushed it has the scent that we know
as the perfume myrrh.

Myrrh has been used as an ingredient in anointing oil that has had many uses.
The one that I believe is most telling is that it was often used to embalm bodies
(John 19:39).
So, let’s think about this from Mary’s perspective. She is an unmarried virgin that
many people think was 14 or so when her first baby was born. Her child is born in
very humble circumstances (in a smelly barn) away from her home. Strangers
come, worship her son and leave gold (a gift for a king), frankincense (a perfume
used in the Holy of Holies – where the atoning sacrifice was made once a year
on behalf of all Jews) and myrrh: a burial spice.
She may or may not have known how these spices were made but I would
imagine that, as a Jew, she was familiar with this verse about the Messiah:
“But He was pierced through (like the frankincense tree) for our
transgressions, he was crushed (like myrrh) for our iniquities; the
chastening for our well-being fell upon Him, and by His scourging we are
healed.” (Isaiah 53:5)
This verse was written about her son. A king. A sacrifice. A death.
Mary knew from early on in her pregnancy that her son was to be a King (God
would give him the throne of David.)
“Then the angel said to her, ‘Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found
favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring
forth a Son, and shall call His name JESUS. He will be great, and will be
called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of
His father David. And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of
His kingdom there will be no end.’” (Luke 1:30-33)
Did she know He was to be associated with a sacrifice….to be a sacrifice? Did
she know that He came here to die – to die in her place….to die in my place….
in your place?
Soon after receiving frankincense, gold and myrrh as gifts for her baby she and
Joseph, taking heed of an angel’s message to him in a dream, set out for Egypt
because satan had touched a man’s heart to do what satan loves most: to kill.
What is it like to flee for your baby’s life and while doing that, you know you are
carrying burial spices given to you by strangers that had come and worshipped
your baby?
God has always associated these things together: gold, sacrifice and death. The
Tabernacle had all three. Later, the Temple would have them too.

Have you ever considered that the birth of Jesus was just one part of a process
that is still going on to this day? I want to quickly paint us a mosaic with words
showing some of the big picture.
In the Garden of Eden God instituted the first sacrifice: killing an animal to clothe
man because of his sin. This began a system of sacrifice all because of man’s
sin. Later, the Tabernacle was built as a mobile Temple in which sacrifices were
made – because of man’s sin.
When the Chosen People were settled in Jerusalem, the Temple (a permanent
Tabernacle) was built – a single geographical spot on the earth where sacrifices
were offered to God…because of man’s sin.
While that Temple still stood, the writer of Hebrews wrote that “every priest
stands ministering daily and offering repeatedly the same sacrifices, which
can never take away sins.” (Hebrews 10:11) Those sacrifices never took away
sin but they were offered because God commanded that something precious had
to die…because of man’s sin.
When the time was right, Jesus was born. He lived and when the time was
perfect, He died. The writer of Hebrews continues in Hebrews 10:12 and 14 as
he says that after Jesus “had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, He sat
down at the right hand of God” and that “by one offering He has perfected
forever those who are being sanctified.”
This sacrifice, God giving Himself up because of man’s sin, took away man’s sin.
Every sacrifice up to that time led up to this one. Every one of them was a
shadow of the real thing. None of them had the power and significance of the
Ultimate Sacrifice – the death of Jesus; yet, each was precious to God. Those
animals were killed and then the bodies burned away. The scent of a sacrifice is
said to be precious to God.
In Genesis 8:21, when Noah offers sacrifice we are told it was a soothing aroma
to God. “Soothing” is a Hebrew word that means “restful, pleasant, delightful.”
Over and over again we see that when something precious is given completely to
God, this is a sweet aroma to God. It smells good to Him.
Why is this? Why would the smell of an animal killed and being burned away
smell so good to God? It’s because of what it means to Him: that someone is
devoted enough to God to obey Him, give their best and allow Him to use it all up
– just because of the relationship between him and God.
What does all this have to do with us….here….now?

I said earlier that the birth of Jesus was just one part of a process that is still
going on to this day, a process that involves us. I spoke of the sacrifices…how
they went from being on a flat rock somewhere to being performed in the
Tabernacle (a mobile temple) and then to being performed in a single place on
the earth: the Temple in Jerusalem.
In A.D. 70 that Temple was completely destroyed. Why? It was no longer needed
and not just because Jesus had become the ultimate sacrifice for man’s sin.
The Temple has been replaced. It’s been replaced with billions of walking, talking
temples of the Holy Spirit. It has been replaced by the hearts of Christians – you
and me.
“Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is
in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?”
(1 Corinthians 6:19)
And what happens in those temples? The same thing that happened in the
Temple on Temple Mount in Jerusalem: sacrifices, but with a difference.
These sacrifices are not to atone for man’s sin. God wants our heart sacrifices to
be because our sins have already been completely washed away – for good!
These sacrifices aren’t a way for us to play catch up with God’s holiness or to
earn His approval or to pay Him back for all He is and has done for us. None of
those things are possible. These sacrifices are also not to be mere habitual,
routine spiritual events.
THESE sacrifices are designed to be a way of living that reflect thanksgiving to
God for all He has done. They are to be a celebration of His touch on our lives.
They are to be you and me….naturally and fully giving our most precious thing:
our lives, to God in thankfulness.
“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present
your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your
reasonable service.” (Romans 12:1)
Just as Jesus WAS the sacrifice that took away our sins, we can be both the
temple and the sacrifice, in how we live our lives. This smells good to God.
“….whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” (Colossians 3:17)
“by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the
fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name. But do not forget to do good
and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.”
(Hebrews 13:15-16)
When Mary accepted burial spices for her baby she acknowledged that her
mission in raising this Child would involve sacrifice and death. One day she
would be standing at the foot of a cross watching her Son struggle for his last
breaths before He died.
I wonder if she remembered the Magi that day. I wonder if she thought about
gold, frankincense and myrrh.
In a way…..right now, every day we’re at that Cross too. Galatians 2:20 starts out
like this: “I AM crucified with Christ”.
Jesus said:
“If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his
cross daily, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it,
but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it.” (Luke 9:23-34)
Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15:31 that he dies daily. I wonder what that smelled
like spiritually.
All this has brought us to this question: “Spiritually, what do you smell like today,
in this season that so many celebrate the birth of Jesus…..Emmanuel – God
among us – Who came to die for us?”
Do we ever get uncomfortable for the benefit of someone else or do we always
make sure we get ours first?
Do we serve others without expecting something in return or do we always do
things with “strings attached”?
Do we obey the Lord or do we ponder what He says to do, wondering if it will be
worth it?
I believe that as Jesus was born to die and resurrect , so were we Christians
reborn to die and experience resurrection life over and over again. Continually.
We were reborn designed to die daily. That’s why Paul said this to people in
Corinth that were living sacrificial lives:
“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and
through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we
are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and
among those who are perishing. To the one we are the aroma of death
leading to death, and to the other the aroma of life leading to life.”(2
Corinthians 2:14-16a)
When we live sacrificially we are the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Christ.
You know….we’re gonna smell like something – if we live like He did…we will
smell like Him.
Paul encouraged us “to walk in love (that means that we make sure others get
what they need before we get ours), as Christ also has loved us and given
Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling
aroma.” (Ephesians 5:2)
Let’s do that. Let’s walk in love… Jesus did.
Just as I stood in a store and the scent of my mother took me back in time, there
are spiritual smells that remind me of key people in my Christian life. Some of
them smell just like Jesus to me.
Right now we are building memories in the lives of people around us…our
families, friends, brothers and sisters in Christ. What do we smell like to them?
What spiritual scent will they remember in us?
Will we smell like the world? Or will we smell like Jesus to them and every time
they sense Jesus in someone else will remember us?
If you are one who smells like Jesus you will know it by the fact that people will
respond to you. Some will love you because you smell like our King and some
will hate you for the same reason. In either case, this can be taxing. Ask the Lord
to comfort you.
Perhaps as the Lord has spoken today through this article you sense that you
smell spiritually more like the world than you like. You might not be happy with
how sacrificially you live. Ask the Lord to change your heart to be more like
Jesus. God promised He would complete what He started in us.
Pastor Mike McInerney
Decatur, TX
© December 25, 2016 (a re-write of a sermon I preached twice)
For use with permission

Guest Post by Michael Fite

What Are Four Things God Will Do To Help You Fulfill Your Destiny?

I want to start off with this quote from Joel Osteen:


“When God is ready to launch you forward, He doesn’t check with the critics, He simply releases you into your destiny.” -Joel Osteen

Keep this in mind whenever you wonder how easy it can be to reach your destiny.

In order to understand this principle, you must get into the right mindset to prepare for what God is about to call you to do. If you are needing help with this or know of someone who may need this message of inspiration and motivation, feel free to take a look at the following questions below.

Why are you afraid of being launched into your destiny?

This answer can vary from situation to situation. Here are three facts that you need to know:

  1. Nobody has the power to stop you from reaching your destiny unless you give them the power.
  2. Your failure to launch comes from the fears and doubts that you have taken in from yourself and other people.
  3. If you never leave your comfort zone, you cannot be launched into your destiny.

You cannot lift off if you are willing to let fears hold you back from realizing your destiny.


What will happen when you are launched into your destiny?

There are countless possibilities to what can happen when you are launched into your destiny. Here are three additional facts that can help you figure this out.

  1. There are no guarantees as to what the results will be when you are launched into your destiny.
  2. When you are launched into your destiny, it is your opportunity to prove that you are worthy of it.
  3. You are launched in your destiny for a particular reason or purpose that must be fulfilled.

As you can see, despite not knowing all of the particulars, being launched into your destiny is something that has been planned just for you. When the time is right, you will arrive in the moment to show the world why it is your time.

Businesswoman Jumping Against City Background

What are four things God will do to help you fulfill your destiny?

In understanding our earlier quote, God is going to launch you into your destiny when He feels the time is right. When God wants you to fulfill your destiny, He will do four things:

  1. Tell or show you what He wants out of you.
    • This will be done through visions, other people, and even in print.
  2. Ignore the opinions or advice of other people.
    • God will not seek any consul from anyone because He already knows what they know and then some.
  3. Give you what you need to be successful.
    • God will prepare you by providing the people, resources, and the path necessary to become successful.
  4. Put you where you need to be in order to fulfill your destiny.
    • God will guide you and place you accordingly in order to achieve your destiny.


Is there proof in the Bible that God has helped someone fulfill their destiny?

Although there are several examples where God has helped people to fulfill their destinies, I will share with you one good example of how God has already put these steps into action. In Exodus, God wanted Moses to fulfill his destiny by freeing the children of Israel from Egypt. Here is how He did it.

  1. God sent an angel onto him into a flame of fire in the midst of a bush and called out Moses to tell him that he will be sent unto Pharoah to free the children of Israel out of Egypt.
  2. Whether it was Moses who doubted the plan, the children of Israel who were angered, or Pharoah who did not believe in God, God ignored it all.
  3. God gave Moses spoke words of encouragement, gave him Aaron to help with speech, and a rod that transformed into a serpent.
  4.  God was there every step of the way guiding and putting Moses in positions to succeed, and despite receiving a multitude of setbacks, Moses was eventually successful due to God in Exodus Chapter 12.

If God was able to get Moses to fulfill his destiny, I am sure that He can do the same for you.


Let’s remember that when the focus is on you and your destiny, God does not care what anyone may think or say about it because He has a purpose and calling for you to do.

In the question section, I want you to give some serious thought to the questions above and share your answers and comments below. Your answers and insight can help yourself and other people understand that God has what it takes to launch you into your destiny, but it comes down to you doing your part and letting God have His way with you.


I would like to thank Michael for sharing this post and if you would please check out the original post on his site

What Are Four Things God Will Do To Help You Fulfill Your Destiny?

I hope you have enjoyed this post as much as I have and I look forward to sharing more posts by Michael.

Guest Post – Kingdom Daughter

Galatians 4:6-7

And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His son in your hearts, crying out, “Abba, Father!” Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.

I never fully understood what it meant when someone would say, “You are a child of God”. I would say, “Ok, so why is my life this way?” See, in my warped mind I thought he punished us for our sins instead of loving us. Sad right? Yes it is. I lived this way for years, not knowing He really did love me. See, I lost my mom when I was six and didn’t have a mother or a father really, even though he recently died just a few years ago. I had my siblings, who who cared for me throughout my childhood. I never had the relationship with a parent. That is, until I let God in. I struggled all my life and thought this is how it is supposed to be. I made my bed, so I had to lie in it right? Boy, was I wrong.

In May of this year, did I truly know that God was the missing link in my life. He was my Father, He was all I needed. When I surrendered all to Him, everything changed and I saw how wrong I had been. He loved me, as horrible as I had been, as much as I had turned away from Him, as much as I had sinned…He loved and accepted me.

We are all children of God, no longer slaves, but an heir of God through Christ.

Now if that is not the best gift, I don’t know what is. I know He is all I need. He is all any of us need. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

From this Kingdom daughter to my Kingdom brothers and sisters, we are His, forever.

I take Him at His word and deed Christ died to save me; this I read
And in my heart I find a need of Him to be my savior, That He would leave His place on high and come for sinful man to die you count it strange, so once did I before I knew my Savior

My Savior loves, My Savior lives
My Savior’s always there for me
My God: He was, my God; He is
My God is always gonna be

– Aaron Shust