The Rabbit And The Lamb written by Julie Sheppard

I wrote this children’s story some years back while I was volunteering at our local library. On that day I was working in the children’s section. I was looking through the holiday books for children and noticed that there were a number of stories and craft projects about rabbits, but after looking through all of the books I only found two crafts for lambs and they were not that great. This got me thinking. Easter is the holiday where we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the lamb of God. Yet we use rabbits to celebrate this day. This story came to me as I sat in the isle of children’s books that brings us back to The Lamb of God. I hope that you will enjoy reading it and maybe sharing the story with the children in your life.

The Rabbit and the Lamb
Julie Ann Sheppard

Lamb was sad as he watched the children gather the colorful eggs in their baskets. He saw how much fun they were having and wanted to play with them.
They chased Rabbit and looked for more eggs. Lamb sat alone while the children ignored him. Shepherd saw that Lamb was all alone, and that he was not happy.
He sat on the grass next to Lamb and asked, “What is wrong?” Lamb just watched the children as they played and sighed.
“They won’t play with me.” Lamb said to Shepherd. “They only want to look for the colorful eggs and to run after Rabbit. I am here alone with no one to play with.”
Sheppard said to Lamb, “You are not alone. I am here with you. I saw you here and that you looked sad. What can I do to make you happy?”
“Shepherd, why do they like Rabbit and the eggs more than me?” Lamb asked. “The children used to play with me, but today they ignore me.”
“It is not that they like them more than you, they have just forgotten.” Shepherd replied.
“Did they forget me?” Lamb looked up at Shepherd.
“No they have not forgotten you.” Shepherd replied.
“What have they forgotten?” asked Lamb.
“They have forgotten what today is.” Shepherd said with a tear in His eyes.
“What is today?” Lamb asked.
“Today is a very special day. The eggs are pretty and Rabbit is fun and they are all part of Father’s creation, but today is a day to celebrate what Father gave so that they could live.” Shepherd spoke as he watched the children play.
Lamb came closer to Shepherd and rested his head on Shepherd’s lap. “Father created us so didn’t He give us life then?” He asked.

“Let me tell you the story from the beginning.” Shepherd said. “Father created the earth where we live and heaven. He also created animals and man. The first man was called Adam and his wife was called Eve. They lived in a special Garden where Father would visit them often. He told them what they could do, and what they were not allowed to do to keep them safe. They did not listen to what Father had told them not to do, and this is called sin. So they had to leave the special garden where they had lived. Father still loved them so He told them one day He would send His Son. His Son would pay the price for all the wrong that people do. He would forgive us of all of our sins by giving His life for us. Then He would go back to Father and make us a new place to one day live with Him.” Shepherd sighed.

“What does today have to do with what you have told me?” Lamb still did not understand.

“Do you remember the story about Moses and how Father freed the Hebrews’ from being slaves in Egypt?” He patted Lamb on his head.

“I remember that story!” Lamb bounced up. “Before Pharaoh let them go, Father did many things so Pharaoh would free them. The last thing God told Moses to do was to have the Hebrews’ take blood from a lamb and put it on their door posts.”

Shepherd was happy with Lamb and smiled. “You are right my little friend. They had to put the blood on the doorposts, so that the firstborn sons would live when the Angel passed over. This let the Angel know that this family belonged to Father.”

“I remember that!” Lamb then asked, “But what does that have to do with today?”

“You ask a good question. You see Father’s Son Jesus is also known as the Lamb of God. Like the lambs blood in Egypt saved the Hebrew slaves and freed them, the blood of Jesus is what frees us today from being slaves to sin.” Shepherd stood up and looked up at the sky. “On this day many years ago is the day Jesus rose from the grave. When He did this, the blood and life He gave, set us free and gave to each of us who receive Him everlasting life. No longer did people need the blood of animals because Jesus gave us His.”

Lamb put his head down, and was sad again. Shepherd lifted his head in his hand, and asked, “Why are you sad now?”

“Because they do not know what you have told me.” Lamb said looking at the children playing with Rabbit.

“Do not be sad my little friend. It is now your turn to share with them what I have given to you.” Shepherd spoke in a kind voice.

Lamb looked away, “But they won’t listen to me. They haven’t even looked at me today. I am nobody.”

Shepherd stroked Lamb’s wool and said, “You are somebody very special. I love you, and Jesus loves you. Do not be afraid, you are not alone. I will go with you, and you will share this love and they will hear the words you will speak. Then they will remember, and share what you have given to them with others. Then one day when everyone has heard this good news, Father will send Jesus back to take us all home.
Lamb was happy and ran to the children and Rabbit to share what Shepherd had taught him.